His Wife of Contract

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"Maybe I'll be able to get myself a tiny place in his heart.", you consoled yourself as you sat in the dressing room, staring at your reflection in the mirror. A beautiful white gown clung to your body gracefully, it's ends kissing the floor and the top was held on your breasts, a strapless gown.

A white net veil was covering your face beautifully along with a small diamond choker on your neck. Your hands were covered with arm length white gloves and your feet were adorned by white glittery stilletoes. The nude makeup on your face was like a cherry on top to your graceful attire.

"Are you ready, my dear?", your dad said as he opened the door to the room. He clearly had tears in his eyes which showcased the mourning of the day. After all, it was the day when he'd be transferring his daughter from his delicate, spoiled, blooming and nurtured care to another man.

The first man who ever loved you, your father was now standing at the door, ready to let your life be incharged by another man.

"Isn't it the day every girl dreams of? Isn't it the day she awaits happily for? Isn't it the day she wishes her prince Charming to come on a white horse, help her on his horse and ride back to his castle where they live happily ever after?", you said with a hint of sadness in your eyes.

"It is.", your dad replied slowly. "But not all the girls are Cinderella to have her Prince Charming. Not all stories have a....... HAPPILY EVER AFTER.", you said.

Some tears cascaded down your father's eyes as he recognised the sadness and helplessness in your voice. "I'm so sorry, my dear. You may think of me as the worst guardian ever but I had to do it. I had to sign this contract.", he said helplessly.

"I don't blame you for it, father. I know you were coerced to let yourself sign this contract. Had it not been for this, mom wouldn't ve even alive today.", you said, placing your arm around your dad's arm as an indication to start your new journey which will begin with a new relationship signed in the presence of God, in the church.

"I'm glad that at least because of me, mom can survive now. It just came at the cost of my future.", you said painfully. The truth was that your mom was a mental patient and no matter how much you tried, you didn't have sufficient money to treat her sickness.

As a result of this, your father who worked as a manager in Kim Corporation, signed a contract with the current CEO Mr. Kim, who wanted your hand in marriage for his son. At first, your dad declined the offer, not wanting to spoil your life but the offer was tempting. Mr. Kim was willing to pay for your mom's treatment which ran in millions.

You wondered why out of 7 billion people in this world, he chose you to be his daughter-in-law when you just met him once at the company. However, rich people don't just have good offers to give, they have enough threats to ruin lives too.

Owing to his strong connections and how badly your poor family will be affected by his power if your dad didn't accept the offer, he decided to go for the deal and save his wife and family from any possible damage the power of Kim's might do to you.

However, you weren't convinced about it. You met Mr. Kim on your own in person but he refused to tell you the reason as to why he chose you. All he said was, "You're the last ray of hope for my son's drowning life. I believe you can save him."

Though you were confused about it but you couldn't do anything about it anymore. You had submitted yourself to his will, as you were greedy to see your mom recovered and back home.

As soon as the doors of the church opened, you and your dad walked down the aisle. A soft wedding song was playing in the background, making the atmosphere cheerful, hiding the gloom within you.

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