When he turns abusive towards you

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(Warning: The content ahead contains extremely sensitive topics. Reader's discretion is advised. DO NOT proceed further if you're uncomfortable.)

The sound of the clock striking 7 in evening inculcated terror within you. Fear became a tangible, living force that crept over you like some hungry beast, immobilizing you, your brain, your senses and your emotions.

Seven o'clock in the evening was the time when your distress and anxiety was at peak. You were not frightened nor were you afraid. What you felt was beyond such mere nouns.

The main doors of your house opened, giving you the signal of the arrival of your worst moments during the day. Taehyung stepped inside the house with his same horrendous aura which he carried everyday since that one particular day which destroyed everything for you two.

It was an incident dating back to 2018 when you married the love of your life, the person you were 100% sure that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. You and Taehyung were a happily married couple and your joy seemed to leap bounds when you broke the news of your pregnancy to your husband of 8 months.

You both were on another level of utopia where you have attained all that you wanted from your life. You deemed to be so happy and content with your life that you forgot the saying, 'Nothing lasts forever, not even happiness'.

During the second trimester of your pregnancy, your hormonal imbalance led to an unconditional fated miscarriage. The pain of losing your child was something that neither of you could ever get past. What was like a cherry on top to this pain was the changing demeanor and the new menacing aura of your husband.

He turned abusive towards you. He blamed you and only you for the loss of your child. At first, it came out as taunts and yellings, later on it turned into physical abuse.

The loss of your child had plunged Taehyung into a deep mentally unstable psychological condition and unfortunately, you became the victim of his devilish side. You became a way to reduce the aching pain in his heart of the loss of your child as well as a victim to his abusive nature.

Entering into your house after a long day at work, Taehyung's empty dark eyes fell on your petute shivering figure in the living room. RED covered his eyes as the flash backs of your unborn child's death flashed in front of his eyes.

You were paralyzed to the spot, the menacing aura of Taehyung was holding you in a tightening grip. In his eyes, you could see another abuse that was about to be thrown at your way. He took a large step towards you. His breath was heavy as he spike the words, "You. I told you I don't want to see your face when I come back home. How dare you show your face to me?"

Terror sucked in the last ounce of breath from your lungs as you took two steps backward. Taehyung lowered his head a little, tilting it to side with a dark sly frown on his face. "Didn't I tell you not to show your face to me? Didn't I tell you not to leave your room if you want to live?", he said while holding your shoulder tightly.

You were sure his grip would leave a very sharp mark on your collarbone but the abuses you've received before from him were blood-curdling.

"You killed my unborn son and you have the audacity to show up your face to me? Yuck, I'm so unlucky, I had to see your unlucky face the first thing coming after work. Get ready to hear the consequences.", he said as his hand slided up towards your neck, tightly gripping your neck and slightly raising you in the air.

Pulse was beating in your ears, blocking out any other sound as you struggled to catch an ounce of breath from his tight grip around your neck. "T-taehyung, I-I can't b-breathe.", you somehow said, hearing the pain in your neck region.

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