Rate that dick 10/10

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"How much would you bait on that Jaymin guy?", a puff of cigar left your lips as you quirked up an eye brow.

"Maybe an 8.", your best friend, Lia, shrugged.

"But from looks, he screams big d*co energy.", you licked your lower lip.

"And in the bed, it's a noodle."

You amusedly looked at Lia, "Is that so? He's that bad?" She shrugged ger shoulders.

"Or are you saying that to save it for yourself?", you remarked while crossing your legs and admiring the guy from afar. Lia looked at you suspiciously. "What? I heard you mo@n his name throughout the night. I couldn't even sleep in the next room. He sounds far from an 8 or a noodle?", you winked.

"Oh gosh y/n! You were spying on us!", she squealed. "Not so. Just heard my best friend getting some good meat to beat for the night.", you winked at her.

Currently, you both were seated in the night bar, eyeing men like prey and choosing your next ones. This young boy in the bar, who didn't seem much familiar had caught your eye.

Lia decided to sleep with him first and here you both were, discussing his bedding skills.

"Fine! You're right. I lied.", she huffed. "Is he that good that you want to keep him to yourself, huh?", you teased her.

Lia sat up properly, positioning herself to give a long speech on the glory of the d*ck of the guy. "Rate that d*ck 10/10 babe. And noodle? He isn't a noodle, he's freaking a burj khalifa in front of the small sausages you've had till now. ", Lia praised him.

"Is that so?", you removed the cigar from your lips and in its place, placed a red lollipop on your lips.

"Tonight it's my turn. Let me try the man.", you said, getting up and straightening your dress. You approached the bar with a sensual look, hips swaying side-by-side and lips licking the lollipop while your tongue rolled around it.

The dim lights in the club didn't allow you to have a closer look at the man's face, also it was a masquerade party, hence you didn't see his face fully. All you could see was his leather jeans and his tightly fitted jeans, squirming to be freed.

He gulped down shots after shots and you admired his alcohol tolerance levels. He wore a silky shirt with top three button undone, giving a perfect view of his buffed chest.

He could sense your presence, standing next to him and giving him looks as if he's an eye candy. When he looked at you and caught you shamelessly staring him up and down, you looked away shyly, biting the corner of your lips before looking at him from the periphery of your vision.

"Two more shots of tequila please.", he requested the bartender as he slyly moved a little closer to you, getting the hint. "A drink for this drop dead gorgeous lady.", he extended the drink to you which you gladly appreciated and accepted.

A few more normal chit-chat conversations in, when you strikes the iron, hot and hard. "Never seen such a hot eye candy in the bar. New here?", you boldly spoke.

He was amused at your boldness, nevertheless, he nodded. "Yeah, just got into the town yesterday evening. Needed someone to show me around the most beautiful things in here.", he licked his lips.

You swung your lollipop in your one hand after taking a shot of tequila. "Is that so? I've lived her for quite the time. Maybe I could help.", your hands trailed to his arm, caressing his biceps and feeling the tensed muscles contract and expand underneath the silky shirt.

"Maybe you could.", he spoke as his eyes were fixed on your lips, sucking on the lollipop, your cheeks hollowing out and lips prettily wrapped around it. "Uh huh. I bet you can show me the most beautiful thing...... Can't you?", he spoke, letting his hand rest on your waist while yours trailed to his chest through his arms.

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