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[//None of the oneshots are linked. They're stand alone and meant to be read separately.//]

Oneshot 1: When your cold arranged husband overhears you talking about your ex on a call with your friend

"I feel terribly exhausted.", the young employee groaned, stretching his arms in front of him and yawning. This was the second shift of work he was doing, making up for the days he took for leave the previous month for his wedding. "Still working kookie?", a soft gentle voice of his senior, Park Jimin came, entering his office chamber with a knock on the door.

Looking down at his expensive silver metallic watch, Jimin frowned. " It's already half past 12. How longer do you intend to stay?", he asked. "A few more hours, sir, to cut down on the slacked hours during my leave for wedding.", Jungkook politely answered.

"Sir? Nonsense! I'm out of working hours kookie, you rather exempt me with these formalities, I beg you.", Jimin generously offered, his eyes never leaving the desk piled up with several files to be reviewed and signed. "Alright hyumg, my apologies.", the younger man politely bowed down.

"You've already graced yourself with the prestigious position of Section Head of storage department. Aren't you well aware that you do enjoy the privileges of taking leaves from office without having the urgency to make up for the hours?", he asked.

"I do, hyung. I know well. But when my sub-ordinates are working for continuous tireless hours, why should I exempt myself from the rules and laws wedded to them? I must be a role model and act as a low-laying man instead of a boss.", Jungkook proudly answered. He never had the haughtiness or the feeling of pride residing within him. Humility has always been one of his greatest innate virtues.

"And what about your newly wedded wife? Does she not deserve any of your attention? You've practically been here for several hours already, beyond than what a normal man should work for. Don't you think you should attend to her needs as well?", Jimin asked, comfortably sitting on the couch against Jungkook's work table.

Jimin's words trapped Jungkook in deep thoughts. His mind went back to a picture of his wife placed in his wallet, erase that, a picture of him and his wife precisely, resting in his wallet ever since your wedding day. The photo consisted of the only romantic moment you two had spent together - the kiss on your wedding day.

He smiled warly at the thought of you. A sense of comfort engulfing him. "Besides, didn't you say you're exhausted? I think you should go back home.... And cherish what you have received. You know, not everyone is lucky enough to have someone to go back home to. To have someone wait for them at home, anxiously.", Jimin commented.

"Nonsense! She must be asleep till now. It's not like we're lovers hyung, we're arranged. I don't think she has enough strings attached with me to be that kind and considerate to wait for her husband for such a long time.", he defended.

"You say it's an arrangement, yet you carry a picture of your wedding day in your wallet. No strings attached, you say? Huh! Okay..... How about you leave the pending files on me and go back home and see it for yourself. I bet she'll be waiting for you.", Jimin smirked.

"Oh, but hyung, the work is too much! You'll not be able to do it alone-", yet again, Jungkook's words were shut down. "Oh, my dearest, don't worry, I'll handle. You go and have rest.", Jimin assured firmly.

And probably, that was Jungkook's cue to grab his overcoat, slide it over his toned body, start the engine and drive back home. Half past 12 at night, a long drive with your lover would seem romantic, wouldn't it? His thoughts consumed him and before he could even realise, he was standing in front of his apartment.

With the spare key, he opened the door, generally, he rings the bell, but today, since it was excessively late, he spared your sleep and decided to enter his house softly, without causing much chaos. He grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge, threw his coat somewhere on the couch along with his neck tie, again, the normal routine of messy Jungkook.

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