His paid wife

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"People say nothing is impossible, but you do nothing everyday.", Areum mocked me as she sat opposite to me in the busy cafe.

"Are you done rubbing salt over my wounds? What a great friend you are, instead of helping me in this situation, you're making fun of me.", I exclaimed to which she just rolled her eyes.

"You're implying that I didn't help you? Here you are, still moping over your ex and drowning in sorrow which is badly affecting your career and he is there, enjoying with that b!tch with whom he cheated on you! You never learn, do you?", she yelled.

Well, she isn't wrong. Last month I caught my now, ex-boyfriend cheating on me with his ex.

"Am I really so unlovable? Will I never be someone's first choice? Someone's priority? Am I born to fill just the void in this world?", I sub-consciously said while staring at the cup of coffee in front of me.

"What?", Areum's eyebrows scrunched in confusion at my sudden words.

"That's what he said. I can never be loved by anyone. I can never be someone's priority. I just filled the void in his heart which was left by his ex and now that she is back, he left me deserted.", I explained.

Areum scoffed at my words. "And you really believed him?" Her eyes darted towards me while I just stared at the coffee. The bad memories came rushing down on me as I stood up, not ready to have a lecture from Areum.

Immediately paying for the coffee, I rushed out. My mind was clouded with thoughts which were mostly negative. Last week, I got fired from my job because I was apparently slacking off from work. I've not been in good mental state for the past month because of the everything going downhill in my life.

"How am I going to pay for mom's surgery now?", I questioned myself as my mom's detoriating health was all that I could think of. She was diagnosed with lung cancer about three weeks ago. Thankfully, the tumor was still in its initial stages and the doctors recommended a surgery as soon as possible but my unemployment added an unasked obstacle in her treatment.

Wiping my tears away, I looked up, only to find a little girl, not more than 5, coming out of a bakery shop. She was chasing a small fluffy dog who seemed to have fun running away from the little girl. Unknowingly, the girl went too far while chasing the dog and ended up going on the main road.

"Yeontan! Come here.", she said as she grabbed the dog by his leash. She was too busy in her own world to notice a car coming towards her.

I don't know what happened to me, but as soon as I realised the speedy vehicle coming her way, I leaped into action. Running towards her, I picked her up in my embrace and pulled to the side, saving her from a disastrous accident.

I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw the girl safe and sound in my embrace and the dog squished between the two of us. The sudden turn of events caught her off-guard and she started crying out loud, her face was buried in my chest while the dog was sandwiched between us.

"Hey, hey, baby! Everything is fine. Hey, stop crying please.", I cooed softly in her ears and rocked her up and down, trying to calm her down.

Once she stopped crying, I put her down while she continued rubbing her eyes. I bent down to her level and put the dog down, who was staring at me with an intense gaze.

I lifted up the girl's chin and removed her hands from her eyes. "Hey little girl, are you okay?", I asked.

She stared at me blankly as if she saw a ghost. After a minute or so, I crooked my eyebrows at her and again said, "Ummm...... What's your name?"

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