When the Playboy prince falls in love with the spy of another kingdom

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In the heart of the Jeon kingdom, endless green fields and orchards teeming with ripe fruits painted a picture of prosperity. King Jeon Jae-hwa and Queen Jeon Mirae ruled with kindness, turning their realm into a haven of abundance and compassion.

The royal court echoed with fairness and compassion, their Majesties tirelessly ensuring justice for all. A sense of communal harmony pervaded the air, as the rulers actively engaged with their people, fostering a bond that transcended the boundaries of royalty. In this idyllic kingdom, the Jeon family's legacy of kindness and care resonated in every golden field and under the benevolent gaze of their majestic palace.

The kingdom was indeed blessed as it witnessed it's prince, the second in line to the throne after King Jeon Jae-hwa bloomed to all of his glory in the kingdom.

From the playful echoes of his childhood, Jungkook matured into a man of depth and intellect, gaining the respect of the kingdom. His endearing smile, once a mischievous hallmark, now graced the face of a learned young prince. Within the palace walls, he emerged not only as the heir to the Jeon legacy but also as the object of admiration for the ladies enchanted by his courtly grace and affable demeanor.

Not just his mannerism, but his demeanor screamed that of a flirtatious boy.

Yes, the palace had seem him flirt with countless women and often bedding them before forgetting their existence the next day of their steamy encounters.

For example today he was spotted trotting around the Minister's daughter, Hwarin who happened to have a huge crush on the prince.

Jungkook, his tone playful, remarked to Hwarin, "You know, Hwarin, the palace feels brighter whenever you're around."

Hwarin, with a teasing smile, replied, "Flattery won't get you everywhere, Prince Jungkook, but it's a good start."

Jungkook, leaning in with a smirk, retorted, "Maybe I'm hoping it'll get me a dance at the next royal gathering?"

Hwarin, feigning surprise, responded, "A dance, Your Highness? I thought you were more of the adventurous type."

Jungkook, with a mischievous glint in his eye, concluded, "Well, who says a dance can't be an adventure, especially when it's shared with someone as enchanting as you?"

And so you see, Hwarin and Jungkook ended up on his bed in his chambers while the lady so unceremoniously screamed his name while he gave her a taste of euphoria.

Next day, Jungkook seemed to have not known who Hwarin was. Hwarin herself didn't attend the court for even she knew that His Majesty, the young prince wouldn't bat his eyelashes at her ever again.

As Jungkook kept having fun with the ladies, King Jeon Jae-hwa and Queen Jeon Mirae got worried. They could neither prevent him from having mistresses nor tell him to stop doing this. He was the only son after all and it was very normal for kings to have a harem full of women to please him. Nevertheless, King Jae-hwa never had a harem of women given he was so madly in love with his Queen.

He wanted his son to experience the same kind of love and settle for one woman and become a virtuous man, but it seemed like Jungkook hardly wanted that. He was lost in displaying his boyish charms to the young ladies and flirting with them.

Worried and wanting a solution, King and Queen came up with a surprisingly new idea. They thought, "It's time for Jungkook to settle down."

In response to this, a grandiose solution emerged from the corridors of the palace: a spectacular royal ball, an event of unparalleled significance. Invitations, bearing the royal seal, were dispatched far and wide, beckoning princesses from the diverse realms of Korea to take part in this momentous affair.

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