Mr. Heartless and his clumsy crush

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The ear-piercing sound of heels clicking against the marble-floor lobby filled the corridors of Elite University. Violently opening the door of your classroom, a few heads turned towards you, while the other ones remained unbothered.

With a slight frown on your face and a heavy guilty look, you approached the professor with your head down. "I-I am sorry professor for being late.... I o-overslept in today.... ", you bit your tongue, realising very well that this was the uncountable time when you are late for your classes.

"Miss. Y/n", the professor sighed. You looked up at him, with terrified eyes, internally begging him not to give you any harsh punishment. The old man seemed to have caught your frightened state. He scoffed, "This has become your regular routine. Anyways, as usual I'll let it slide, considering your high grades and outstanding performance this year."

You smiled cheekily, feeling relieved that you didn't get any punishment. "Thank you professor Joseph.", he always had a soft spot for you. In fact, most of the professors considered you as a trustworthy and a reliable student, all thanks to your merit, hardwork and exemplary performance in academics.

Your academic results has always been a hook point for you. You easily get away with a lot of childish indiscipline you cause in the college. "Go, take a seat at the back.", Professor Joseph instructed you as you bowed at him and looked around for empty seats at the back.

With a relieved expression and a happy sigh, you chirped your way back. The class was boring as usual. You didn't understand why you were even needed to have 75% attendance when you already knew everything the teachers taught. Not to brag, but despite being from a wealthy and politically powerful family, you got admission in the Elite college, the most prestigious college of Korea through scholarship. Indeed, you're an intelligent fellow, with a lot of brain and potential. This spoke volumes about your merit.

"Hey y/n! I've some problems in the Java program coding. Can you help me out now?", you friend, Juli spoke once the lecture was over and the students were dispersing. Fixing her glasses, she looked at you hopefully, "Yeah sure! Let's go the canteen, we'll eat something and I'll explain the topic to you.", you beamed.

Well, this is how you generally are. Generous, helpful and loved by all. There was not even a single soul in the university campus who did not adore you. Being equally blessed in terms of beauty as well as brains, made you one of the most loved and popular girl of the college.

However, you did not account this privilege of popularity to bully anyone. Rather, you are kind. But kindness doesn't mean that you'll be tolerating anything and everything anyone throws at you.....

While you and Juli were proceeding to the canteen, loud and wold whistles were heard from a side. Turning your head, you saw Mark, the biggest playboy of the college and his group eyeing you and Juli while biting his lips filthily. He hooted to get your attention. 'What a hooligan pervert.', you thought and rolled your eyes. Indeed, Mark had a terrible reputation of having bedded all the easy and tough to get women. He loved to insert his noodle in anything that had a hole every damn night.

"What do you need Mark?", you questioned. "I'd die happily once I see you n@ked in my bed.", he smirked earning a few 'oooohs' from his friends and a few disgusted glares from passing by girls. Indeed, this boy had no shame at all.

"Funny. I'd die laughing at your wavy noodle.", you huffed earning a few giggles and chortles from the girls. 'Being kind and generous never means that one can't be savage, huh?', you smirked.

Mark hung his head low, embarassed and fuming in rage at your comeback. This boy had been trying endlessly to get into your pants, but all of his attempts were of no avail. "I remember we went on a date once or twice. How about we go again?", he asked flirtatiously.

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