He cheats on you on your anniversary

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"Ouch! This stupid senseless mascara stick!", you cursed the non-living mascara as you tried applying it on your eyes. After million failed attempts, you finally got it right and heaved a sigh of relief.

Aggressively throwing the mascara on the countertop, you examine your look once again. A small frown covered your lips as you felt a little dissatisfied by your looks.

"I love your talents as well as flaws. I love you for who you are, not just your looks.", remembering your boyfriend's words, you tried shrugging off your insecurities.

"Aish! Gosh, I just hope, I don't get late. I definitely don't want to be late on our anniversary date. Taehyung will be so sad if I'm late.", you babbled to yourself as you hastily drove to your date location.

It was your and Taehyung's fifth anniversary today. You hated surprises and cliche as they are in books and movies, therefore both of you always planned out everything. While driving to location, you glanced at the gift box which had a simple ring which Taehyung gifted you from his first salary five years ago.

You wanted to seal your love with him forever today with the same ring which held millions of memories for the both of you.

Reaching Taehyung's favourite hotel where you planned your date, you couldn't help but feel excited with each passing second.

"Table for Mr. Kim.", you said to the receptionist who nodded her head and led you to a secluded area of the restaurant.

Taking in your surroundings, you found petals of rose spread across the floor, a beautiful table in white silk which was adorned by a bottle of champagne and a candle light in between.

Well........ Taehyung definitely had a good taste when it comes to picking locations. You awwed at the sight and sat on the table waiting for your boyfriend to come.


"Ma'am would you like to have something?", the waitress asked you again.

An hour and a half had already passed by since you came here.

"I'm waiting for someone. When they'll come, we'll order together.", you politely refused. The waitress gave you a pitiful glance which you returned with a soft smile. Taehyung was pate today. You were getting anxious of his well being as worst scenarios filled your mind.

"No, he's just in traffic. He'll come soon.", you consoled yourself while calling him for the millionth time but his phone went to voice mail everytime.

"I should call Jimin, maybe he's with him.", you said to yourself and called your elder sister's boyfriend, Jimin who was also Taehyung's closest friend. After two rings, he picked up.

"Hello, Jimin? Is Taehyung with you? He's not picking up my calls, I thought he might be with you. Is he with you by any chance? ", you bombarded him with questions.

"Woah, calm down!", he breathed out startled by my questions.

"And to answer your question, no, Taehyung is not with me. I'm going to Hana's place in a few, why would he be with me?", he said referring to your elder sister Hana whom he was dating.

"Oh! Okay, thank you and don't get too naughty with my sister.", you teased him and left the restaurant.


You drove to Taehyung's work place only to be greeted by the watchman saying that he didn't go there today.

Anxiousness and fear was filing your body as you wondered about his whereabouts. It was not like Taehyung to disappear so suddenly.

Driving to his house, you found it empty and locked. By now you had even woken up Yoongi from his sleep just to ask him if he knew about Taehyung but nobody had a single clue about it.

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