Chapter Fifty-One

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Chapter Fifty-One


Strong hands wrapped around me, pulling me into a kiss that I didn't hesitate to give into. I didn't care that I tasted myself on him, that his hands roamed down my hips until they grabbed my ass and squeezed.

A growl slipped past his lips, and I was nearly undone from it. "We're safe, right?" he asked.

One of his hands moved up to my arm, rubbing over my inner forearm until I realized what he meant. The birth control implant. I had gotten it a few weeks ago, and I had no idea he knew about it. I wasn't sure if I should be embarrassed or amused that he had known this entire time.
"Yes Nate. I won't be having your kids anytime soon." He huffed out an amused breath but almost looked disappointed. "Don't even consider it."

"The far future maybe." Nathan wondered with genuine interest.

This didn't seem like the time to talk about it, but I tilted my head and trailed a finger down his tie, admiring the goosebumps that ran over his skin from the simple touch. "The future, possibly, but right now no." I cut him a hard look and pushed further. "I also came back clean. When were you tested last?"

Nathan hesitated but answered shortly afterward. "Lys was the last person I was with, and that was years ago. I've been checked since then and came back with nothing."

Oddly, the mention of Lysandra didn't create any discomfort between us, although yet again it wasn't something I wanted to think about at the moment. Thankfully, it didn't faze Nathan either, because he leaned up and buried his face against my neck, inhaling deeply and trailing his nose over my skin. "Anything else?" he asked.

He knew damned well I didn't want to talk about anything else, especially when he shifted me down further until I sat directly on his lap. I felt him, hard beneath me through his pants, and I nearly whimpered at the barrier of the thin fabric that separated us.

"What do you think?" I hissed back, and he chuckled darkly.

Nathan pressed his chest to mine, kissing me again and holding my hips to rock against him. I moaned against his lips, and his own low groans mixed in with mine. He pushed his hips up, rubbing himself against me, but with his pants still on it only made the tension inside me build up further. I needed more, wanted more of him.

"Take them off." I ordered with my mouth hovering over his.

His eyes lit up and a wolfish smirk spread across his face. "Of course, alpha." he crooned.

I lifted off of him and sat at the end of the bed while he hooked his fingers beneath his slacks and pulled them down. I had half the thought to turn away, as if I were too shy to look at what lay beneath his clothes, but I held my ground and looked him right in the eye while dark amusement shined back at me.

My gaze cut down when Nathan gave one last forceful tug, and I held my breath at the sight of him. Completely naked, other than the tie over his chest. He looked delicious.
I was so warm that I hoped he didn't look up at my face and notice I was blushing, but by the way I was staring at him I doubted he'd look anywhere else.

He was hard, completely and effortlessly ready for me with his shaft laying across his lower abs. The tie he still wore was pointing directly at it, which only added to the warmth of my cheeks. I'd probably think it was funny if I wasn't still frozen in place.

Just as Nathan went to speak, I silenced him when I helped pull the last bit of his pants off and tossed it to the floor, only to run my hands up his legs a second later. He stopped smiling instantly and watched me with interest as I crawled forward and brought my hands up further.

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