Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five


I was in the kitchen when it happened.
Seojoon and Markus were cooking, and I was leaning over the kitchen counter with a full mug of coffee in my hand, when I heard a guttural cry.

Both men beside me tensed up, and the three of us turned our heads towards the basement door.

"What the fuck." Seojoon muttered.

Goosebumps ran over my arms, my entire body forcing me forward as the cup of coffee was instantly forgotten on the counter.

"Stay here." I ordered as I rushed to the door, down the steps, and into the basement. I froze at the scene before me.

I almost stumbled back from the pain and fear that radiated off of Lila. My beta was a few feet away, trying his best to calm her down but failing miserably.

"What did you do?" I seethed. I wanted to scream at him while I made my way over to her, but I kept my voice as level as possible.

"Nothing. I swear Nate, we were trying something and it-" Evan was cut off by Lila's gasp. She was struggling to breath.

"Upstairs. Now!" I ordered.

Evan hesitated but bowed his head and rushed past me, allowing me to put my full attention on, "Lila." I whispered her name, and watched her wide eyes look through me.

I knew her touch calmed me, but I was afraid to scare her further if I did the same in turn. Instead I whispered calmly to her, low enough that I wouldn't startle her. "Breathe for me Lila. Breathe in through your mouth, that's it. Now let it out."

Her entire body still shook, but her sobs stalled. "I'm going to touch your arm okay? Just stay calm, relax for me." My fingers hesitantly reached out, and I expected her to flinch back from the contact, but instead it reduced her trembling.

"Does that help?" I asked, finally seeing her tear filled eyes flicker towards me. My fingers then moved towards her hand, lacing them through hers and rubbing a thumb over her knuckles. "That's it. Take a breath. You're doing great." I instantly felt a wave of relief when Lila began calming down. "Let's get you off the floor. Come on."

I kept my hand in hers while using my other to slide beneath her and carefully sit her up. She was hiccupping and clutching at her chest, coming back to reality at a steady pace. "Squeeze my hand." Once she did, I whispered. "Perfect. Now, are you okay?" I brought my free hand to her cheek to wipe a stray tear.

"Nate." Lila's voice cracked.

My finger stilled on her skin, and my heart tightened. She sounded so broken, so afraid. It killed me to see her like this. 

The air was knocked out of me when her hand suddenly slipped out of mine, and she wrapped her arms around me instead. Her face pressed into my chest and she cried again, but this time the sound was less haunted and more relieved. Her grip on the back of my shirt was desperate and grateful as she held onto me.

I gradually brought my arms around her, encasing her against me and pulling her close. "Nod or shake your head if you understand me. Are you feeling better?"

Her head nodded against my chest.

"Did Evan hurt you?"

This time, her head shook from side to side, and with her body pressed close to mine, I could feel her heart rate returning to normal. I regretted accusing Evan of doing anything to her, though the situation I walked into didn't give me much to work on. I'd talk to him later about it, and clear it up to get his side of the story.

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