Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine


When morning arose, I awoke to the sound of scuffling outside. The sun peeked through the curtains as I opened my eyes and found myself wrapped tightly in plush blankets. My body sang with relief from sleeping on something that wasn't solid ground, though there was something bothering me. I felt warm, too warm.

I slipped out of bed and walked towards the window to see where the noise was coming from, and when I did, I noticed two wolves outside in the middle of a fight. I could tell instantly it was one of play, something wolves did for practice as well as for fun, though I couldn't quite tell who one of them was.

I threw on a loose pair of pants and another sweater -courtesy of Seojoon- before making my way downstairs. The house was quiet as I went down the steps, feeling lightheaded enough that I had to I grip the railing to steady myself. I cursed and reached a hand to my back, hissing from the pain. Crap. I ignored it for the time being and made my way out the front door, turning the corner of the house to see the two wolves a few meters away. 

I could tell instantly who one of them was. Evan was stark white against the greenery around him. It would have been difficult to hunt, or hide in such terrain until the winter months came around. His wolf was marginally smaller than I would have thought, but still bigger than the average wolf. The other was a mix of greys, whites and dark shades of browns. He held himself high, even when Evan ran into him and nipped at his legs, it wasn't difficult for him to get the upper hand and get the white wolf to yelp when he bit at his hindquarters.

I could tell pretty quickly the wolf was Nathan, and the sight of the two made me smile. The bond between an alpha and beta was strong in a wolf pack. There was a tale that stated the soul of an alpha wolf was brother to the betas, or even soul mates at times, either that be platonic or romantic. I had never seen it first hand; in fact any type of mate was foreign to me, but watching these two made me believe the stories may have been true.

Evan was the first to notice me. His head turned in my direction, green eyes focusing on me just as Nathan tackled him down. They scuffled a bit more, but Evan managed to slip away and rush over to me. He ran with his tail high in the air; tongue out like a pup rather than an adult wolf. I actually smiled at the sight, seeing him slow his steps and stop in front of me. His head was at the height of my hip, though Nathan seemed to at least be a head taller than him, meeting my stomach.

When the alpha finally spotted me, his head lowered inquisitively while he made his way over. Rather than run like Evan had, Nathan took steady steps in my direction, head lifting high as he let out a huff. If I knew any better, he seemed to be showing off. I hid my amusement as he finally stood beside Evan, giving the beta one more nip at his front leg before grey eyes lifted to meet mine.

I saw the power held within them, my instincts telling me to look away from how piercing they were, but I held my ground. I returned the stare until I was nearly knocked back by Evan's large head hitting my hip, white fur brushing my hand as my fingers reached out between his ears to run through the soft strands. 

Nathan growled in warning, though it barely seemed to stop Evan. He bumped his head up against my hand, having way too much fun as I scratched alongside his neck, watching his ears perk up at the attention. For someone who seemed so intimidating only a few days ago, it was easy to see he was really just a huge suck up.

Evan moved back when Nathan went to nip at him, the alpha tensed up and growled louder while his hackles rose. I crossed my arms over my chest when the white wolf slipped behind me, as if I were going to shield him from the angry alpha.

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