Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen


The three of us walked back outside and dropped the shopping bags off in the car before making our way across the street towards the bar. I tried warning Lila that it would be dangerous to go in with us, that it would be safer to stay inside the car and wait, but she wasn't having any of it. It was nearly impossible to get her to change her mind once she set her mind to something.

We stopped in front of the bar; the small building was made of logs to give it the look of a cabin rather than a place for food and alcohol. The oak was stained darker than it should be, vines reached through the logs as if they had been growing there for decades. The sign above was lit up, though it seemed like it hadn't been changed since the place opened. It was one of the most popular places in the small town, and not only that, but the most popular amongst shifters. Other supernatural beings knew better than to step inside. 

Lila was looking up at the lights, apprehension clear on her face. Despite showing signs of discomfort, she looked at me and tightened the scarf around her neck. "Anything I should know before we go inside?" she asked.

I could have told her a whole list of hypothetical things that could happen, but I decided to cut it short. "Stay close. Most of them know who I am; they shouldn't try anything even though you're with me. If they do, stay behind me. Also, you'll have to pretend to be with me or else they'll think you're fair game."

Lila's eyebrows furrowed. "With you how? Are we married?"

I breathed out sharply as if to scoff. "We don't have rings. No one would believe us."

"Mates then." Lila looked away when she spoke. "Your scent isn't that strong on me, but it should be enough."

I watched her for a moment then followed her gaze to the front window, noticing it was pretty full inside, but it was early enough in the day that it wasn't completely packed. "We'll stick with that then. Remember to stay close no matter what. Evan, watch our backs and don't drink anything."

The silence was enough to tell me the beta wasn't incredibly happy about the forced sobriety, but I ignored him and walked towards the doors to step inside. The place smelled as it usually did of wood, smoke, and alcohol. All the windows were opened to ventilate the room in order for it to be more manageable, although in turn, made the place nearly as cold as it was outside.

I walked in with Lila close beside me, gaining the attention of one of the waitresses nearby. She scurried toward us, a menu in hand with the ridiculous name of the bar and grill on the back reading 'Dine-asty Den'. Her eyes were blue, and her curly blonde hair bounced when she stepped in front of me. I could instantly tell by her scent that she was human. I looked at her name tag, and refocused on her face when she spoke.

"Good evenin'." Delilah smiled widely. "Would you like to sit at the bar today or at a table?"

I didn't even need to look to know that the bar would be crowded enough, so I decided on the latter. "Table."

When she brought us over to one, we all took a seat and I all but ignored the menu when it was placed in front of us. We didn't come here to have anything to eat; instead I kept my eyes focused on the people around me. A few familiar faces glanced in my direction, though instead of looking at me, they focused on the person beside me.

"Lila." I whispered in warning.

She sat in the booth to my left, sliding herself over so our thighs were pressed against each other. I could feel her shaking through the contact alone as I opened the menu and whispered behind it. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. Just remember what I said." I glanced at Evan who leaned back in his seat across from us, looking around calmly, although I could tell by how tense he was that he was on high alert.

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