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Steps drew near as I stayed busy weaving thread through the fabric resting over my hands.


I kept my eyes downcast, as if not knowing that the footsteps approaching were for me.


My pace slowed as I saw a pair of tanned boots appear in my peripheral vision, doing my best to resist the temptation to look up at the person wearing them.

"Good evenin' Lila."

Those familiar boots were now planted before me, caked in mud and grime. Fresh blood collected along the sole, my sense of smell telling me it wasn't from an animal.

My gaze steadily ran up the length of his jeans, past his beige jacket and to his unkempt face. His eyes looked nearly black due his shadow obscuring his facial features, his smile wolfish and predatory, as if he was eyeing prey rather than another human. Though to Caligo, there wasn't much difference between the two.

I stayed silent, elbows resting on my thighs as I waited to hear what he wanted. I resisted the urge to shift from discomfort from sitting on the same log for the past 2 hours outside, patching up the Rebel packs clothes like their own personal seamstress.

Cal kept that unnerving smile on his face before finally speaking up again. "I have a game for ya mut, I think it's one ya might enjoy."

Despite my effort to stay calm, I tensed visibly and clenched my jaw. The sewing needle in my hand shifted between my fingers, wondering if there was a way I could hurt the bastard with it, but seeing how large the pack was, it would be idiotic to try. Instead I lifted my head and looked him in the eyes, keeping a false composure as I finally regained my voice.

"What exactly is this 'game'?" I seethed.

"There's that feisty spirit I love." Cal laughed, the sound making my insides churn. "How fast do ya reckon a little wolf like yourself can run?"

Before I had the chance to answer, his hand came down to my throat, squeezing above the metal collar I wore while he leaned forward. I struggled to breath as my eyes stayed locked with his, but despite my attempt at holding my ground, it was impossible to stop the tremor that raked through my body.

"Lit'le Lila, we wanna work for our meal tonight. Waddya say?"

I sucked in a lungful of air as his hand left my throat, coughing as he took out a key and removed the chain linked to the collar on my neck. I sat frozen despite my instincts and wolf screaming at me to run.

"Ya have until the count of ten. Givin' ya a bit of a head start, now ain't that sweet?" Cal whispered. The sound of footsteps shuffling around me caught my attention, seeing as one, two, three other men walked into the clearing.


Why was he doing this?

"Two." Cal's grin grew as he saw my hesitation.

If I stayed put, would they lesson my punishment? Or make it worse? My back ached from the large open scratches I received from the night prior, my rib still healing from the fracture I received days ago.


I was sure it was some sort of trap. There was no way they'd potentially let me go if it weren't for a reason that would benefit them. Even if it was a trap, I would rather die trying and risk freedom, than to stay here a second longer.

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