Chapter Forty-One

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What the hell did they do to him? I took a step back when he approached me, the look in his eyes were terrifying. They weren't the soft grey that I remembered; instead they were flecked with silver, like a shattered mirror threatening to cut me.

Despite the snow around us, he was shirtless and bruised. Cuts littered his body, and scars that I hadn't remembered noticing before stood out against the moonlight. When he noticed I was moving away instead of coming closer, he tilted his head and froze.

"Are you afraid?"

He didn't have to ask. I knew he sensed it, even now with him being close to me, I felt that tug between us, but it was different somehow. The emotion I got from him wasn't the soft, comforting one I had gotten used to. It was cold and dark, and it took the breath from my lungs.

"What happened to you?" I muttered.

When he made a move to get closer to me again, I stood my ground. I held my breath when he leaned down and pressed his face into my neck, hearing him take a deep breath in, and groan it out. "I've missed you." He said against my skin.

Nate's voice was genuine, and when he wrapped his arms around me I found myself doing the same. With that darkness inside of him, I also knew he was still there, a part of himself that could never be broken. He fought back the first time they took him; he had the strength to do it again.

"Let's go." Nathan suddenly pulled back and took my hand.

While he led me towards the Rebel's, I slowed our steps to ready myself. No matter how much I tried, I knew I wouldn't be able to handle seeing it again, to have their hands on me. Nate turned his head and looked at my chest, yet again reminding me he knew what I was feeling.

"They won't hurt you." He promised.

I would have laughed if I weren't so terrified. "Yes, they will."

"If they touch you, I won't hesitate to kill them."

I stared at the back of his head in shock while he tugged me forward and continued down our path. It took only a few more minutes until we made it into the large clearing, and every single person turned to look at me.

Nate's arm wrapped around my shoulder, tucking me to his side. "Stay with me. Got it?" he muttered.

I couldn't answer; instead I let him walk me forward towards the tents. I was shaking so hard I could barely take another step, but Nathan's fingers slide towards my bare neck and rubbed circles around it.

We almost made it, until someone stepped in our path. I fell backwards and collapsed against the cold snow, my chest tightened and panic ripped through me at that familiar face.

"Look what the wolf dragged in." Caligo grinned.

I tried crawling backwards, but I couldn't move. Despite my attempt, I struggled to breath; my eyes were wide and brimming with tears as I looked up at him. I wanted to go back, I regretted stepping foot back here, I wasn't ready, and I was an idiot for ever thinking otherwise.

"Back off." Nathan warned, taking a step in front of me to block Cal's view.

"What?" He snapped. "Don' we getta fair share?"

A deep growl resonated from Nathan as he pushed closer to Caligo, sizing him up. "Try it, and you'll lose whatever it is that touches her."

"Oh calm down, there ain't no pussy out there good nuff to f-" Caligo's voice was silenced by Nathan's fist.

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