Chapter Thirty-Four

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A/N: Prepare for the spiciness. This chapter finally has some sensual tension and sexual themes (not smut yet but I'm getting there). From now on I won't mention it since this is a mature story for a reason, but be forewarned from now on. (Trust me, I'm just as excited as you are) Also this is a VERY long ass chapter, apologies but I had too much fun writing it :>




The chain above me rattled when I slammed my fist into the punching bag. I couldn't get yesterday out of my head, and the only way to distract myself was honing my strength, getting ready for whatever was to come.

I brought my knee up and let out a puff of air when it made contact. I nearly smiled when the fabric threatened to tear in two from the hit alone. Even if I was half as strong as my counterparts, I had enough in me to knock someone out or break a few bones. I wasn't the same frail girl who left the rogue's a month ago.

I brought another fist up, the punching bag shifting to the side and I used the momentum to go in for another jab.

I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand and walked over to grab a drink. I chugged nearly half the bottle before putting it back down and tightening my gloves. I realized along with my strength, I needed to work on my stamina, so I when searched for something to use, I was happy to find skipping rope in one of the storage rooms nearby.

I went back and forth with strength and endurance. My lungs threatening to collapse when I continued for an hour with as few rests as possible. I used the stairs to jog up and down, jumping jacks weren't too hard, but when I moved onto mountain climbers I felt myself dread every second of it.

My bottle had been refilled at least four times by the time I finally stopped. I took a seat on the bench and panted as sweat dripped off of me. Yet again the pack was kind enough to buy me a few more outfits, and the black sports bra and grey shorts were a blessing while I exercised.

Footsteps brought my attention towards the stairs, and I didn't have to wait to know whom they belonged to. I could sense him; feel that he was coming closer to me with each step. I straightened where I sat and took another long drink before he got to the bottom step and looked over at me.

"You've been down here a while."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Captain obvious." I muttered while resisting a smile when his eyes lit up with amusement.

"Don't overwork yourself." Nathan said while walking closer. "You've been down here everyday, rest if you need it."

Since Nate had suggested I worked out alone at night along with the sessions with Evan in the morning, I found myself in the situation I was currently in. The only way I knew I could protect myself is if I took care of myself first, so that's what I did.

"If I feel like I need one, I will." I replied while leaning back against the wall. "Until then, I'm happy continuing my training."

Nathan eyed me and huffed out a breath. I glared up at him when I suddenly felt self-conscious. "Do I smell that bad?" I asked.

He hesitated before answering. "Quite the opposite, actually."

I arched an eyebrow and held back a laugh. "Sweat isn't supposed to be an aphrodisiac Nate."

The alpha smirked while looking at my attire. "Don't tell that to me." He reached up and tapped his head, watching his eyes as they swirled with silver for a second and then returned to grey. "Blame him."

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