Chapter Fifty-Two

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A/N: Nathan uses more "colourful" words so expect that ahead, especially in the next chapter. (Considering I have even kinkier characters, just consider this a warm up).
That being said. Enjoy!


Chapter Fifty-Two


The others gave us different degrees of looks for the few days following Christmas night. Not only did they hear us, but Evan complained that we constantly smelled like sex, which Lila cursed at him for while I grinned.

"It's about time someone else does besides you." I shot back at the beta.

Thankfully, it didn't seem to really bother anyone, at least not entirely. Eric stayed as far away from us as he could most days, and I decided not to take it personal considering. I would shower most mornings, but a few times Lila would join me and we'd go at it again, which quickly defeated the purpose of the shower to begin with.

It wasn't until two more weeks passed that something changed. I woke up to an empty bed. My arms reached out for her but all that welcomed me were cold blankets and lonely pillows. I sat up and searched the room, when I knew she wasn't inside, I got up and slowly walked towards the door.

I still struggled with each step I took, but it was becoming easier to walk without anything assisting me. As I opened the door and leaned against the frame, Seojoon looked up at me from the other end of the hall and smiled shyly.
He reached up to scratch the back of his head while gesturing towards the stairs. "You might wanna check on her. She's in the basement with Evan."

The way he said it made my body thrum with irritation. Not towards Lila, but just...something. Something wasn't right.

As quickly as possible, I held onto the railing for dear life and made my way downstairs. I was already struggling by the last step, so by the time I opened the basement door, I needed a moment to catch my breath. That's when I noticed her scent.
It was stronger, more intense, and the smell of it alone made me cock hard. Christ, it was starting, and she was downstairs alone with Evan. 

The pain in my knee was nothing compared to how badly I wanted to get down those damned stairs. I clenched my jaw from the shock that radiated up my leg each step I took, but I barely felt it once I got to the bottom and turned into the room.

Lila was panting, her eyes wide and alight with something I couldn't quite place. It was as though she was awake, no, electrified, and it was like a punch to my gut when her eyes found mine and our bond snapped into place. Fuck, she wanted me. Now.

"Nate." Lila jogged over to me, throwing off her gloves and pulling out the elastic that tied her hair up. When it fell over her shoulders in messy waves, I let out a deep breath and wrapped my arms around her the moment she was in my arms.

Her lips pressed to mine, and I kissed her back feverishly. I was aching in my pants, so eager to have her that it was painful. Her mouth parted, and her tongue trailed over mine, promising me in her mind what she'd do with that tongue when she had the chance.

I could barely think straight, until I remembered Evan was there.
I panted against her lips and looked up, seeing the beta frozen on the spot.

He didn't look guilty, but he was definitely aroused. It was effecting him too, and I felt jealousy welling up within me just from knowing that. It wasn't his fault he wanted her, but that didn't make it any easier for me to ignore.

I stepped forward and growled deep in my throat, watching Evan's eye twitch in response. "What the hell were you doing with her while her cycle was starting?'

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