Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen


I felt like I was underwater, but instead of drowning I was trapped deep enough in the ocean that my ears popped, and my insides felt like they wanted to explode. My body was uncomfortable, and not only because of the pain radiating off of it, but because it wanted to escape itself. It wanted to be freed. I wanted to scream as my head felt ready to crack under the pressure; darkness surrounded me even when I tried opening my eyes. There was so much fear within me that I felt more animal than human. 

Voices surrounded me, they were muffled and indistinct, it was impossible to know what they were saying or who the person was that was speaking. When I opened my mouth to make a sound, I resisted the urge to cough when I realized my throat felt dry and raw. My eyes finally opened to find light, and I had to squint to stop the brightness from blinding me. 

The sound of someone speaking made me move my head to the side, my vision finally coming back to me as my ears picked up a few words.

"Leave...dangerous...back soon!"

I could instantly tell that they were arguing. I listened while sudden nausea hit me. "What if we bring her anyway?"

"He'd kill us."

I looked around and noticed I was still in the packs estate. The room was my own, and two men were standing at the open window talking amongst one another while I leaned against the wall. I shifted slightly and found my wrists had been bound; my mouth was covered and gagged to prevent me from screaming.

"We can run away and have as much fun as we want without that mess of a pack. Imagine it, all the money we can imagine if we sell her, or if we keep her, we'll have a female wolf in the palm of our hand. That's the dream, how can you pass that up?"

The scarred wolf from earlier towered over the other male as he snapped at him, his long black hair twisted around one of his shoulders. "You have pretty big balls to say something so stupid in front of me T." he sneered. "Talk about betraying your own brothers again and I'll drag you to the hunters doorstep myself."

I tried to be as quiet as possible as I shifted my arms back and forth, loosening the rope enough for me to slip my thumb up and under it so I could pull at it further. The sound of a car pulling up outside the house made all of us in the room pause, and without second-guessing themselves, the two men hurried over to me. I closed my eyes, kept myself as still as possible while the smaller one grabbed my hair and tilted my head back. I held my breath when the familiar scent of the rogue pack filled my senses, nearly choking me as the memories resurfaced.

"We gotta decide now."

There was only a second of silence before the other answered. "Listen to your orders and leave her. I think they'll get the message loud and clear."

With a gruff laugh, the mans calloused hand slipped out of my hair, bringing a shaky breath back into my lungs when he turned back towards the window and jumped out. I peeked my eyes open to see the other man looking straight at me, his golden irises sparkling with enjoyment. "Tell your alpha that the next time we come back for you, we won't be so lenient."

I drew myself back against the wall and stared at the bloodied grin gleaming back at me. He took hold of the window frame, and with one last glance over his shoulder, he swung himself over the edge and disappeared outside. I waited, expecting someone to drag me out with them, but instead I found myself completely alone in the room.

I broke out of my trance and pulled at the rope binding my hands, shifting my weight and rubbing the rope against the wall to help loosen it further. I got another finger hooked under it and pulled as hard as I could until I finally managed to get myself out of the restraints.

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