Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


My fingers slid over the keyboard as I typed, watching as I sorted out and sent a few emails. I narrowed my eyes in concentration, pausing every now and than to take a sip of coffee from my mug and then returning to my work.

It seemed the others had no interest in talking to me after breakfast, and I wasn't sure if I should have taken that as a good, or bad sign. I leaned back in my seat, sending out the last of my emails while sipping my coffee. When I heard a knock on my door, I looked over at it and inclined my head, already having a sense as to who it was before they even entered the room.

"Come in." I called.

Bright brown eyes found mine the moment she walked inside. I stayed seated; watching Lila head over to the other side of the room to sit. She eyed me expectantly, as if I should have known why she walked into the room in the first place. There were a dozen reasons why she may have. Boredom. Questions. Information. I decided to wait for her to speak in case I chose the wrong one.

"So..." Lila leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. "What's expected of me here?"

I grabbed a nearby pen and tapped it on my desk, looking up at the ceiling with my head tilted back and letting out a loud sigh. "To be honest I'm not too sure myself. I guess that's up to you."

When I focused back on her, I noticed her scrutinizing me with eyes that could kill. Again, I interpreted that look in a different way than she probably intended.

"This isn't my home, so I didn't think I'd have that option." 

"Just because you don't permanently live here, doesn't mean we get to order you around. I'm an alpha, not a parent. I expect respect, not physical labour." 

Lila turned her head towards the wall, deciding it was much more interesting than me. "I just don't get it. They lead me to your land, with what purpose? You don't work for them, nor do I." She makes sure to let that statement linger before continuing. "A part of me wants to leave, but where would I go?" Lila finally looked back at me, a crease between her brows. "Can I trust you?"

I put the pen down, closed my laptop and studied her a moment. "Trust is earned. I'd say you can trust me, but would you really?" Her scowl answered my question instantly. "For your other question, I don't know why they possibly lead you here. I'm sure there's a motive, so we'll be on high alert. For the time being you can stay, although I expect you to work with us and not cause issues, or else we may have a problem."

Regarding me, Lila leaned back in her seat and replied. "I'd expect nothing less. As long as respect is given and received, it shouldn't be an issue."

Silence stretched between us, wishing now that I had kept my laptop open so I had something to look at. Instead my eyes found her again, staring at the collar and feeling hatred for whoever put it there. My gaze followed up her neck, to the curve of her jaw, until they settled on her fierce eyes staring back at me.

"I'd be more than a morsel for you alpha, if you even tried for a taste." Her words weren't playful, in fact, they were a threat.

"You really can't hate me for admiring the view." I said honestly.

Lila sneered, though her mood lightened ever so slightly. "Flattery isn't going to get you anywhere."

I barely managed to maintain neutral composure. "I'm aghast you'd even consider me that kind of man Lila." I finished the contents of my mug and sighed into it. "I'll do my best to refrain from now on."

I watched as she chewed her lip, taking my attention off of her and back to my empty cup. "Anything else you'd like to ask?" I wondered.

"What are you drinking?"

I couldn't help but smile over at her. "Coffee." Her nose scrunched up in disgust, making my smile fall. "You don't like coffee?"

"It reminds me of the taste of dirt."

"You eat dirt?" I pestered.

"No but I've got in enough fights that I've gotten a mouthful."

"Maybe you'd like it the way I make it."

"I'll stick to tea."

"You mean watered down leaves? Now that tastes like grass."

"You'd know." Lila crossed her arms over her chest and stood up from her seat.

She walked around the room, staying a far enough distance from me as she looked at the bookshelves against the wall. I was curious as to why she was sticking around, but decided not to question it.

"Seems as though you have no taste in anything alpha." Lila drawled, a finger running over the spines of the books as she passed them.

I watched intently, seeing her eyes fall upon a children's fairytale. "Degrading me will only get you so far."

Looking over her shoulder at me, Lila shrugged. "Honesty is the best policy."

"Whoever said that never knew about shifters and their temper." 

Lila hummed in agreement, sauntering around the room and suddenly pausing to face me. Her eyes were downcast, lips parted as if to speak, but she hesitated. I waited until she looked up and finally spoke.  "Thank you, for not bringing me back there, for not sending me off." Lila grit her teeth, clearly struggling with herself to continue. "At first I didn't know if I'd been saved, kidnapped, or both. I have some form of freedom here, and if all of you are true to your word, safety as well. I just appreciate it. That's the original reason I came in here, and I'm sometimes too stubborn for my own good, so..." she trailed off.

"I'm just glad you're out of there. No one deserves that." I replied honestly. "I've always hated those leeches. They think they're untouchable because of how many there are. They believe the law doesn't pertain to them; so humans of either gender, money and drugs are fair game. You're one hell of a person to still have spirit left in you after dealing with that for so long."

Lila shook her head as she spoke. "Having that spirit left is what kept me alive."

The feeling of pride washed through me, no thanks to my wolf. For once, we agreed on something.

A sharp, distant howl made my entire body tense up. I shot up from my seat and headed straight to the door, pausing to look at Lila when I noticed her sudden lurch in panic. "They found something. Stay put, lock yourself in my room upstairs, and don't come out until you know I'm back. Understood?"

"Got it." Lila whispered shakily.

I took a moment to try and relax. "It may not be anything, but in case it is and you hear anything suspicious, go into my nightstand alright?" Before she even managed a reply, I was already out the door.

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