Chapter Thirty-Six: Part Two

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Chapter Thirty-Six

Part Two


White wolves surrounded me, the bands of black on their front legs telling me they're an ally. Fear as well as power radiated off of them as they took their positions. Only a small handful stayed human, with blades at their side and guns in their grip.

Nathan dropped to his knees in front of me and looked me straight in the eye. "Stay with me Lila, stay strong." My body thrummed from his words, and I knew I'd do anything to do exactly that. "Understood?"

I didn't even have to speak, because his eyes warmed when he sensed that I wasn't afraid. I was ready.

"They're approaching from the north." Someone announced.

Facing that direction, I watched as eyes slowly began to appear. First it was only a few sets, but as the light of the house illuminated their gaze, there was suddenly dozens glowing back at us.

"Gods above." A Frosted Fangs member held up his gun with trembling hands.

"Don't waver, wait for them."

With a few others keeping an eye on the other sides of the forest, our group watched and waited as the wolves began to appear.
The one leading the pack howled, and my body shuddered when multiple wolves answered.

The second their song finished echoing through the trees, the first wolf lunged.

It was as if a trap was set into motion, and when the first attack was made, the others quickly followed. Gunshots temporarily deafened me, but I snapped out of it and turned just in time to notice a wolf barreling toward me.

With one paw planted firmly on the ground, I twisted to the side and moved out of the way of his jaws, my teeth found their mark on the back of his neck and clamped down with full force. He yelped and turned just in time to nip at my front leg, but only managed a gentle graze of my skin.

A white wolf appeared out of nowhere and bit at the Rebel's back leg, distracting him enough for me to lunge forward and lock my teeth around his neck. I tasted blood, but it wasn't as repulsive in this form as it should be. If I were a human, I would gag as my mouth filled with the coppery taste, but my wolf held on and made me shake my head to tear into him further. It took only seconds for his body to fall.

Once the threat was gone, the Fang member ran off while I turned and noticed Nathan in the middle of his own fight. He stayed human, gun cocked in his hand while wolves targeted him. It was no surprise that they went after the alpha first, and they probably didn't expect him to be injured either. The fact that he wasn't shifting made it easier for them to try and grab at his legs, to bring him down to the ground.

I ran over while a third wolf headed in Nathan's direction, but he didn't turn fast enough as the wolf's jaws wrapped around his arm and ripped through his skin. A growl tore out of me, the scent of my mate's blood sending me into a frenzy.

Usually when I shifted, I shared a little less than half of the control with my wolf. I could think more logically and help her with making decisions, but the moment Nathan groaned out in pain and blood dripped down his arm, I was overwhelmed with the sudden slip of control.

He had been hurt, and they were the ones who had done it. I pushed forward, my teeth snapping down on anything that tried getting close to him. I growled, the sound muffled with something between my jaws. I bit at anything that touched me, feeling a lace of pain near my back but ignoring it. I could barely feel it, didn't care because the wolf that bit him was still alive. The air smelt of death and blood, and my mate's was mixed in with it. My vision was barely focused, but my ears picked up on his words.

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