Chapter Thirty-Three

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"He's back."

No, he couldn't be already.

I followed Nathan outside but stopped at the doors when the vampire looked in our direction. Nate turned to me and laid a hand on my shoulder while leaning down to look directly into my eyes. "Stay as far away from him as possible. Don't leave our sight."

I nodded while pale blue eyes watched me. They only changed focus when Nathan strode over with his hands balled into fists. I took a few steps forward to listen in on their conversation, watching as numerous wolves crept forward as if expecting a fight to break out.

"I'm not here to cause trouble wolf. In fact, I'm here to help."

A chill crept up my spine. What was a vampire doing out here helping shifters? Did he think we were stupid enough to trust him?

Evan stood by Nathan's right side while still in the form of his wolf. Markus flanked Nathan's left, his wolfs body twice the size as the betas, but his lumbering figure didn't seem to intimidate the vampire whatsoever.

"Help us?" Nathan exhaled, bewildered. "We don't want your help. Leave, now."

Orion took a single step forward, almost coming face to face with the alpha. I watched Nathan hold his ground, but his posture was tight. I stayed planted on the spot despite my body urging me to go to him.

"Is that any way to greet a guest?" Orion asked. His voice was smooth and low, almost calming if you didn't know that the voice was coming from a monster. "I think you should reconsider the idea of me helping you. It seems you're in a bit of trouble."

Once again Orion's eyes flicked over to me, and I tried my best not to shift uncomfortably under his stare. I could see that Nathan was about to cut off his view, but Orion stepped around him nonchalantly and made his way over to me.

Every wolf in the pack growled and the alpha stormed over with the intent to grab him. "Wait!" I called out.

Everything became still.

The only movement came from the vampire himself. I could sense the others emotions, they were heightened at the sight of him getting so close to me, but I stood my ground and did my best not to back away.

Orion was a few feet in front of me now. He stopped and tilted his head to look at my neck. My breathing came out faster as fear enveloped me, waiting for him to move forward and clamp his teeth where his eyes roamed.

Instead he looked back into my eyes and smirked. "I can get the key, for a price."

I wanted to say yes the moment the words slipped past his pale lips. If anyone could get it for me, it would be him. He'd have no trouble slipping into the rebel pack and grabbing the key, but when I looked over Orion's shoulder I saw Nathan shaking his head.

"I can get it the night after tomorrow." Orion coaxed. "When the moon rises and the sun falls, I'd be in and out of there in less than an hour."

"For what price?" I did my best to ignore Nathan and looked back at Orion instead. "What do you want in exchange?"

Ice blue eyes gleamed before me. "You won't know until I ask for it."

I wanted to throttle him, scream in his face and demand he get it for me. I'd beg if I had to, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I wouldn't stoop so low as to beg for anything ever again.

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