Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


I tore my clothes off, throwing them behind me as I rushed out the front door. I barely managed to get my pants undone by the time I fell to the floor and I leaned forward, feeling my bones ache and crack as I went from one form, to another. My wolf all but sang as he took over, feeling the thrill crackle inside me when he was finally released. It took all but a minute before I was pushing myself forward into the trees and tilting my head back to release a howl of my own.

I waited, listening for a reply and hearing one from Markus leading me west. I raced forward, startling any wildlife nearby as I noisily ran through the fallen leaves and underbrush. My chest was rising and falling quickly by the time I made it to where Markus stood.

His wolf's face started darker along the top of his head, and lightened into a tan gradient towards his neck. His eyes showed his strength and emotion the same way they had when he was human.

I followed his lead deeper into the forest, sniffing the air and noticing a scent that caught my attention. I stayed beside him, keeping a close eye on the ground around me until I heard the sound of dried leaves rustling behind us.

I glanced over my shoulder, letting out a huff when I noticed it was Evan walking towards our direction. He took his rank alongside me as the three of us continued forward, moving deeper into the trees until Markus reached his destination and stopped in his tracks.  

He stayed a few feet back as I stepped forward; carefully circling the well-hidden bear trap concealed amongst the red and orange leaves. A piece of red fabric was stapled to a nearby tree, making it easier for the hunters to know where the trap was placed. I growled in anger, watching Evan step towards me and check it out himself. He went from one paw to the other uncomfortably, as if imagining just how it would feel to step on it.

I searched the ground and stopped when I found a broken branch. Lifting it between my jaws, I brought it over to the trap and had to tilt my head to press down on it. The trap sprang shut, snapping the branch in half and splintering it into dozens of pieces Christ, I could only imagine the effect it would have on a bone.

Dropping what was left of the branch, I leaned down to track what direction the scent was coming from. The trap was placed today, the smell of the hunter still lingering as it continued west. We made our way in that direction, making sure to take careful steps to the main road until we hit the edge of it. The scent trailed off going north, leading towards the opposite direction of the nearest town.

My hackles rose, my body tensed, wanting to rush forward and look for the bastards who would even attempt to hurt the members of my pack. A loud growl ripped through me, nearly snapping at the wolf that nudged my hind leg. It was Markus who eyed me sternly, turning his head towards the woods and walking towards it. As he left, Evan stayed by my side, waiting for me to ultimately decide what to do next.

Reluctantly, I followed Markus back, knowing there wasn't anything we could do until a plan was put in place. The moment I got back to the house, I clenched my jaw as my muscles constricted, grunting at the painful feeling of my body changing back. Gasping for air, I ran a hand over my jaw while I walked toward the porch to grab some clothes. 

"God damn bastards are getting ballsy getting this close. They know not to hunt here don't they?" Evan asked as he slipped on a pair of jeans.

I shook my head, taking my own pair and tugging them on roughly. "They know, that's the thing. Those fuckers aren't hunting for rabbits or normal wolves."

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