Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


The room was full, and I was uncomfortable. I tried to watch the four men around me, but noticed half of them were already looking at me. Where was Nathan anyways? Considering he was the one who organized the meeting, I had hoped he'd find the time to arrive early.

The moment the office door opened, the tension in the air eased. Nathan strode in, heading straight for his desk while holding another mug of what I'd assume was coffee. The guy really loved his caffeine. I squinted slightly in his direction, noticing he was doing everything he could not to look at me.

I guessed it was due to the conversation we had earlier, and I did my best to ignore it. A part of me knew his questioning wasn't that of malice, but I felt defensive regardless. I didn't mean to fall asleep in his room, and I definitely didn't mean to doze off surrounded by the scent of him. Why couldn't he smell bad? It would have made things easier.

"Afternoon everyone." Nathan nodded in greeting. "I've brought you all in here because of what Markus, Evan and I came across earlier in the day. The hunters aren't letting up, in fact they're getting closer."

Everyone shifted uncomfortably, though stayed silent while he continued. "I need all of you to watch where you walk from now on. Keep an eye on the trees for any type of marker like a ribbon, or coloured paper. If you see it, a trap most likely will be nearby. Also, it seems they removed the mechanism to open it. Once it snaps shut, it stays shut."

My stomach sank, feeling physically sick from his words. It was clear the others felt the same because the uneasiness in the room increased tenfold.

"My guess is they know about us, to some extent at least. Maybe they've heard a few rumours, or someone tipped them off, whatever the hell it is we're in danger and we're going to have to stop this before it gets worse. Eric, Markus, you two will head east with me while the other two stay here and keep an eye on the place."

I cleared my throat. "What about me?"

Nathan finally looked at me, his lips pressing in a hard line until he finally answered. "It's safest for you to stay. The collar would probably draw attention, and in case we come in contact with another shifter, we wouldn't want them going after you."

I resisted the urge to complain, wanting so badly to go out after being cooped up for so long. Instead I kept quiet and nodded my head, deciding I'd bring the idea up of leaving the house when we had more privacy.

"I have a match up tonight at eight. Should I call it off?" Evan asked.

"No need, we should be back before sunset. We'll have to start off slow, head down there just to get comfortable with everyone and worry about asking questions later. We don't want them to be suspicious of us. Now, do any of you have any questions?" Nathan took a sip of his drink as Seojoon raised his hand.

His hair was messier today, his face freshly shaved and with a V-neck shirt on I noticed the tattoos along his forearm, getting lost under his sleeve and reaching up towards the side of his neck. It was difficult to make out what it was without staring.

"What happens if one of us gets trapped?" He asked nervously.

"Howl, as loud as you can. Keep doing it until one of us gets to you. We'll need bolt cutters to cut the link off and bring the trap back home with us in order to remove it. There has to be a way to dismantle it even if it can't open."

The silence was a good enough indication as to how everyone felt about that, but no other questions were asked. When it was clear we were finished, Nathan dismissed us as he took Markus and Eric towards the front door.

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