Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven


I was being chased, being hunted by the shadows as they ran through the trees searching for me. My heartbeat alone could have given me away as I hid behind a bush, crouched down low with my hand covering my mouth. I was trembling, shaking so hard my teeth clattered together.

A crunch to my left pulled my body taught, holding my breath as it grew closer and closer, a snarl ripping through the air as the drooling mouth of a wolf appeared beside me, followed by its feral eye. As I stumbled back, it growled loudly with its maw opening wide, watching in fear as its teeth gleamed just as it lunged towards me.

I let out a strangled cry and I jolted awake. Struggling to take a breath, I rolled out of bed and stumbled to the corner of the room. I pushed against the wall and sat down, trying to regain control over my lungs as I shook. I hadn't noticed until I looked around the dimly lit room that I had been crying, my vision blurry.

I was fine. I was safe. Nothing was going to hurt me.

I took deep, slow breaths but flinched when I heard a soft knock on my door. I didn't answer, instead I kept myself frozen in place and watched the door so intently I found myself barely blinking.

"Lila? Are you alright?" That voice. I wouldn't admit it aloud, but it soothed me.

I shook my head, grabbing the fallen blanket nearby and pulling it towards myself so I could warp it around my shoulders. Once the rational side of my mind returned, I stood up with the blanket, and went towards the door to reach out for it.

I paused with my hand suspended in the air, faltering a moment before sliding the lock out of place and turning the other. Easing the door open, my eyes fell upon who I already knew to be Nathan. My body betrayed me as I looked at him, and felt a new, raw sense of attraction.

His dark hair was disheveled from just waking up, his muscular chest bare, voice deep and groggy while his eyes watched me, half lidded. For the first time in my life, I felt the wolf inside me hunger for something other than revenge.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't deny the allure. I told myself I didn't want him near me, I wanted his hands off of me because of how much power they held, but a part of me hungered to know how it would feel for someone to touch me in a way of pleasure, rather than pain. 

I cut the thoughts off immediately. Where were they coming from? I shoved my feelings back until I forced myself not to feel them anymore.

When I focused back on Nathan, I saw that his brow was furrowed. He looked concerned, worried, it made my chest tighten. "I'm okay, really. I get nightmares all the time, its nothing new." I said in a hushed tone.

"I heard you and just wondered..." Nathan put a hand to his forehead, rubbing it while sighing. "Will you be able to go back to sleep?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Are you alright?"

"Yes." I lied.

With a nod of his head, Nathan ran his fingers through his hair and scratched his scalp, messing it up further. "You ever need anything, I'm just a few steps away, and my door will be unlocked."

"Thank you." I muttered while pulling the blanket tighter around me.

He watched me until he turned to leave. "Goodnight then Lila."

"Goodnight Nathan."                                

I waited for him to close the door, and once he did, I returned to my bed. I felt warm, light headed. I laid down and tried finding comfort on the plush mattress, curling up and doing my best to forget the memories and nightmares that plagued me. Instead, I found myself falling asleep to the scent of the alpha in the other room.

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