Everything Anew Recap

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A recap of some important information/events that happened in Everything Anew for anyone to look back on.

Please read this if you haven't read this book and plan on reading any other of my stories, or else it may be difficult to understand certain parts later on.

Quick recap of plot;

Lila was taken by the Rebel pack for four months before finding her way to the Shadow Pack. Once there, she began to bond with everyone, most of all Nathan (the alpha) until discovering they were mates later on in the book. With a collar around her neck, Lila had no chance at escape, and with no one else to turn to, the pack made an offer with Orion (a vampire) to get the key to the collar (that the Rebel's had) in exchange for an unknown debt that they'd have to fulfill whenever he desired.

Once the collar was off, the Rebels  (also called Rogue's) came back for Lila, but Nathan went in her place. After a few days, Lila walked onto the Rebel's territory, weaned Nate off the drugs they forced him on, but failed to completely get them out of his system once Nathan's father (the alpha of the Frosted Fang pack) fought his way through the Rogue's to get his son, and Lila out.

With Nathan worried he'd hurt Lila when he was demanded to kill her, Nate ordered her to shoot him, in which she struggled to resist, and ended up shooting him in the knee (and now suffers with a permanent limp in his left leg because of it).

Once everything settles down, the story leaves off with Lila and Nathan away from the Shadow Pack due to her heat cycle starting, and Orion returns to finally ask for his debt to be paid.

A few key notes that were brought up in Everything Anew that might be important or insightful;

-Gender-fluid. He can be referred to as he/him when speaking of him in general, but she/her when talking about her as a wolf. They/them can be used anytime, but mostly when referring to both his human form and wolf form together.
-Has many tattoos, and loves to paint (he uses it as his emotional outlet)

-Beta of the Shadow Pack. Close friend to Nate. Does illegal fighting with other shifters as a way to earn money, and uses it as his emotional outlet to keep his wolf at bay.

-Secretly keeps a light blue teddy bear that Seojoon got him under his bed (Evan brought this up in front of everyone, so it's not much a secret anymore). Not really important, but you'll most likely see this teddy bear later on in book two.
-Suffers with depression and insomnia. Has a history of self harm (but doesn't anymore). Scars on both inner forearms.
-Plays piano for his emotional outlet but still struggles to keep his wolf dormant.
-Gay, but not openly.

-Parental figure of the pack. Enjoys cooking and photography. Works on the financial aspect of the Shadow Pack. Very level headed.
-Not stated specifically, but he is Asexual.

(The four characters above are all from the Shadow pack, alongside the alphas Nathan and Lila who are the mated alpha pair.)

Other characters;

-Transgender woman, 63 years old. Indigenous. Her real name is unknown. She gives Lila a ring early on in the book that later on protects Lila from the drugs the Rebels try to give her. Very knowledgeable on shifters and the land. People go to her often for guidance.

-A wolf shifter from the Rebel pack that killed Lysandra (Nathan's ex), and ended up becoming a hybrid of a human and wolf combined once he let his mind become controlled by his other half. Scarred body, glowing golden eyes. Managed to get away at the end of the story while most the Rebel's were killed or fled. Whereabouts unknown.

-Snow Leopard shifter. Her animal spirit is derived from her father who is Chinese (mother is French Canadian). Beta of the Frosted Fangs alongside her alpha, Griffin (Nate's dad).
-Not mentioned, but is bisexual (along with Nathan)


Vampire Lore;
-Depending on their age, vampire's can be out in the sun , but it diminishes their power the longer they're out in it. Makes them more susceptible to attack or being overpowered.
-The older the vampire is, the more powerful they can become. Purebred vampires, or ones that exceed a few hundred years, also have distinct characteristics. Hair loses pigment and turns white, and eyes begin to pale and lose colour (and sight).
-Vampires eyes gloss over before bloodlust. Bloodlust can happen when the vampire is either surrounded by blood, or consumes too much of it. Different supernatural beings have different effects on vampire (other than another vampire).

Waya Pack;
-A southern pack with tribal tattoos and dark shades of fur that helped the Frosted Fangs with assisting in rescuing Lila and Nathan

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