Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


The pressure of the bandages along my back eased some of my discomfort. I found sitting to be a lot more comfortable without my shirt rubbing against the wounds.

Seojoon had been careful and slow the entire time. He spoke to me throughout it, telling me about stories of the area- most of them being folktales- and brought up a few of his hobbies. He spoke passionately about drawing and painting, telling me to look around the house for some of his work. Now that I was out of the bathroom, my eyes trailed the walls, stopping on a few of his pieces. 

Most were bright and scenic, consisting of abstract renditions of landscapes. Some were more literal, one standing out to me as I walked upstairs and stopped in front of a canvas overlooking the right hallway. A wall of dark green trees lined a path that shadowed the figure of a black wolf standing in the center. The sun from above the treetops filtered in a few rays of light, reaching towards the wolf but not being able to reach it. It was the darkest and most emotional one I had come across of Seojoon's, and I felt my heart ache for the wolf painted within in.  

The sound of a door opening brought me back to reality. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Evan smirking in my direction. I gave a short wave, curiously watching as he jogged downstairs and called out. "I'm heading out!" No one replied as he left through the back door. 

I made my way down the hallway towards my room, but slowed down when I looked at the handle. I noticed there was a lock. I stared at it for a few seconds and then turned it to step inside. My eyes scanned the inside of the door and I saw a deadlock was now bolted in place. Two locks? I tested them out and felt the door stay in place, completely dumbfounded at the mysterious addition.

I stepped out and walked to the room across from mine, hesitating a moment before knocking on it. The sound of shuffling came from the other side and Nathan opened the door with his laptop in hand, eyes on me.


I lifted my head to look up at him, and cleared my throat. "Who put the locks on my door?"

Nathan went back into his room to put his laptop down onto his bed, returning to me a moment later. "Markus and I."

Licking my lips, my eyes lowered as I mentally battled over what to say. "Well thank you. I appreciate it, a lot. I mean now I can sleep better you know, safely." I was stumbling over my words and rambling, so I cut myself off before I could do anymore damage.

Nathan did his best to hold it back but it was no use, a genuine smile appeared on his face, and it was impossible not to notice how well it suited him. "Glad I can help. Is there anything else?"

I cleared my throat again and crossed my arms over my chest. "Joon took care of my back. It should heal a lot better now."

Something in Nathan seemed to ease. "Good. Do you feel sick at all?"

I didn't want to lie, although it was tempting. Deciding to bite the bullet, I told the truth. "A little warm, but sleep might help. It should heal pretty quickly."

"Unless it's infected."

I resisted the urge to throttle him. "If it is, my body will fight it off. Shifters are pretty damn hardy. I've been through it already and besides, if I wanted a dad all I'd have to do is ask."

"A dad?" Nathan's face paled.

I shrugged one shoulder and sighed. "I mean, if you want you can be. I'd be a pretty big troublemaker though, so I might be a handful."

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