Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven


I stood frozen at the threshold of the door, my hands gripped the edges of the book and my heart raced as if I had just done something wrong. Technically I had. I had no business looking through Nathan's things, and I regretted it the moment I laid eyes on the photograph. Regardless, Markus looked at me sternly, though his composure was calm.

"Did Nathan say you could go into his office?"

I couldn't look him in the eyes when I replied. "I told him I would grab a book."

Markus crossed his arms over his chest as if that didn't exactly answer his question. "And did he permit you to go through his belongings?"

I felt like I was being scolded like a child, though my actions were indicative of one. "No." I said simply. "I wasn't intending on doing it exactly. I didn't see much anyways." I pursed my lips when Markus' eyebrows furrowed, not believing me. "I saw a photograph. That's it."

The man before me released a deep breath, arms unfolding as he looked behind me and into the room. "You might want to talk to him about it sometime. That part of his life is a touchy subject." Markus looked at me directly while continuing. "I'd advice you not to go through any of our rooms, we're...territorial." He said, but his tone didn't suggest a threat, rather just the truth. "Some more than others." He smiled.

Of all the people in the pack, Markus eased my emotions the most. While Seojoon made me the most comfortable, Markus always made me feel like I could trust him, and even with him questioning me, I stayed calm in his presence. His smile could light up the room, and the others weren't wrong when they said he had a parental aura and role in the pack. Even with just a few years separating us, he could easily be someone I could look up to.


I rocked back and forth on my heels until Markus turned to let me through the door. "We'll be outside, if you need us." He said while turning back to leave.

Knowing I'd be in the house alone unsettled me. Instead, I brought the book to my chest, holding it close as I bundled up and made my way to the front porch. The moment I stepped outside I caught the attention of the wolves. Four sets of eyes glanced in my direction, but only one stayed on me for a moment longer than the rest.

I took a seat on the front steps so I could be closer to them, watching the pack and whom I guessed was Markus join them seconds later. I hadn't seen all five of them at once as wolves before, and it took a lot of strength for me to look away and focus on my book instead. I rested my head against the railing of the stairs and ran my fingers over the words of the page. It felt nice to escape through the pages of a book again.

An unknown amount of time passed by the time I looked up. I didn't see any of the pack anymore, so I assumed they went off together to either hunt or play. Despite living here temporarily, I would have loved to join them if not for the collar preventing me from running alongside them. Then I remembered that once it was off I would be leaving them, so I would never get that chance. My heart suddenly dropped at the thought of leaving. I was beginning to slowly get attached to the group, and I wasn't sure if I should try to distance myself further from them to soften the inevitable blow later on, or cherish it while I still had the chance.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when someone barked at me. I stood up to look past the porch and noticed Seojoon trying to get my attention. The moment I saw her, she ran back behind the house and disappeared.

With a shake of my head, I put the book down and followed her out back. My steps slowed when Evan came running towards me at full speed, his stride not faltering even as he got closer to me.

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