Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen


The moment we got back into the house, Nathan went upstairs while Evan walked alongside me, shopping bags in hand.

"He'll be fine." The beta said.

I found myself doubting his words as I watched the alpha walk to his bedroom and close the door behind him. With our arrival, Markus and Seojoon entered the room. I smiled at both of them and showed them the clothes I got while taking off my jacket. When the topic of what happened was brought up, and I tried my best to recall it. 

Markus eyed me suspiciously when I mentioned Amarok. "You brought her into the bar?" he asked the beta in a voice that didn't sound too pleased.

Evan put his hands back, untying his hair and scratching his scalp. "She was fine."

Seojoon quirked an eyebrow skeptically. "Really? Because the last time you went, you got into a fistfight, and that was before you had a female shifter at your side."

I decided to chime in. "I'm fine, really. It was a little overwhelming, terrifying even, but nothing happened."

My eyes settled on the ring on my finger, inspecting it closely. Nathan hadn't mentioned it, nor did he care that I placed it on my ring finger. I decided it would be a good way to avoid attention. If people thought I was engaged, maybe they would be more inclined to back off, although I doubted it would stop many of them.

I also had no idea what it did. Amarok said it would protect me, although with it on I didn't feel any different than when I had it off. I frowned and wondered then if she would have information on how to remove the collar around my neck without the use of a key. I'd have to make sure to ask if our paths had ever crossed again.

The upstairs door flew open, catching all of our attention as Nathan walked down the hall and towards the stairs wearing all black. I felt my stomach drop when he raised a hood over his head and nodded in Markus' direction. "We're heading out. Wear dark clothes, bring a weapon."

My blood chilled, Markus heading upstairs without hesitation. "Are you planning on killing the hunters?" I blanched.

Nathan shrugged his black jacket on and looked over at me. "Not if we don't have to. We're not murderers, we want to speak with them, but who knows what'll happen if they feel cornered by wolves. They're trying to kill us, I'm not even sure if they'll cooperate."

"Don't pity them. The moment they catch one of us, they'll skin us alive."

Eric's deep voice resonated beside me, his blue eyes washed over us while he stood with his hands stuffed in his pockets. "Can I come?" he asked.

Nathan regarded Eric. "Not sure if that's a good idea."

"Come on Nate, you can't shelter me forever. Look, I'll be a lookout, I'll stay back if it means I get to leave this damn house."

The alpha took a deep breath and muttered, "Fine." causing Eric to run over and grab his jacket eagerly. Seojoon frowned, seeing concern spread over his soft features when he looked at Eric heading toward the front door.

"Is there a plan for me?" I wondered.

"I don't want us separated, but you'd be in more danger with us than here. Evan is our beta; he'll stay. Joon should show you around a bit more, keep you entertained. We shouldn't be longer than an hour, they're pretty close to us." Nathan's jaw clenched as he said that. "Markus and Eric will have their cellphones, text us if anything happens, and don't answer the door to anyone. Understand?"

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