Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three


It wasn't that I was ashamed to tell Lila about Griffin, I just didn't see any reason to. My father hadn't been in my life for nine years; around that time I decided to leave his pack and go out to form my own. I had no idea that the outcome of that choice would shape my life forever.

Now I was sitting across from the man I wanted to hate, but couldn't. He had saved my life more times than I'd care to admit, and he could say the same in turn.

Griffin's attention was on me, and it took every ounce of control not to get up and walk away. I did well under pressure, but with him, the weight was overwhelming. My chest felt heavy from his stare. I wasn't sure if he wanted something from me, or just liked to see me squirm.

"You ought to find a way to get rid of them. Either that, or leave the country and move far enough away that all of you would be safe."

I wanted to tell him I had already thought of that before. I knew I could run away with my tail tucked between my legs, but my pride and land that I had worked so hard to get, would go with it. Although, each time I looked at the people around me, I knew their lives were more important than anything else.

"I'll consider it. Once the month is up and your pack returns, we'll leave."

Despite it being his own suggestion, Griffin didn't look entirely pleased to hear that. I doubted he cared if there was distance between us; we've gone months without seeing each other. I didn't try and reach out to him, even when he attempted to contact me first.

See, he was responsible for my mother's death. I don't mean that figuratively either. He was the one whose jaws clamped over her throat, the one whose muzzle dripped with her blood while I watched the life drain from her eyes. No matter how much I hated him for it, I couldn't hate him entirely, because without him, I'd be worse than dead. Though, that didn't mean I forgave him either.

"One more thing." I added while looking at my father. "There are hunters setting traps on our land. Let your pack know to keep an eye out."

Griffin didn't seem pleased by the addition of new information, but said simply, "Noted."

With nothing else to add, I stood up to leave. "If we're settled here, I think it's best if we head back."

Everyone was relieved when we finally left the lodge. They looked sickly from the amount of energy in the room alone, and it didn't help that all of us were also exhausted. On the way back to the car, I barely gave my father a glance as the others walked behind me and said their goodbyes.

When we got back to the vehicles, I got into the back seat, feeling my eyes fail miserably at staying open while Lila joined in beside me and slid her seatbelt on.

After clicking my own into place, I cautiously eyed Seojoon and passed him the keys. "If you get us into an accident and wreck my car, I'll strangle you." I warned.

Taking them in his hand, Seojoon started the ignition and looked back at us "What if we all die?"

"I'm pretty sure you're supposed to tell us that you won't get into an accident." Lila murmured.

"I'd be lying if I said its impossible, but I can drive, just a bit slower than everyone else with this snow..."

I knew I should have been more concerned. The idea itself was stupid. What if there was ice hiding beneath the snow? Seojoon could get hurt, or Lila. Shit, all of us could. But I wasn't too sure if I drove it would be any better.

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