Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen


After dinner, the three of us made our way outside. I wrapped the grey jacket Nathan had given me tighter around my body. He told me it would help mask my scent, though I was also thankful for the extra fabric that helped warm me. Around my neck, a black scarf securely wrapped around me to hide the metal hidden beneath. 

Evan jogged over to walk beside me, grinning as if we were going to an amusement park rather than shopping for clothes and talking to the locals. "Make sure to choose anything you want, Nate's the one paying."

I decided not to admit that I'd rather not put the pack in debt because of my wardrobe. "I'll keep that in mind."

Nathan walked past us and made his way to the front seat. I watched as he slid behind the wheel and turned the engine on while Evan hurried over behind him to sit in the back. I stalled when I got to the car, eyeing the front but refocusing on the back when Evan popped the door open for me.

"The alpha doesn't really talk much while driving, makes me bored out of my mind when I have no company. Come on."

I opened the door further and climbed inside while Evan took his phone out of his pocket and flipped through it. I slid my seatbelt in place and pressed as far away from the beta as possible. I wasn't entirely comfortable around him just yet; his energy was just a little too overwhelming for me.

The warmth from the heater made the cold bearable as Nathan put his hand on the back of the seat in front of me and turned his head to back out of the driveway. His grey eyes settled on me a moment, increasing the warmth I already felt. With the utmost willpower, I took my eyes off of Nathan and looked out the window instead. I watched the colourful trees pass by, enjoying the feeling of being inside of a car again, the hum of it and soft movements made my eyes close, only to have Evan's voice interrupt the peaceful silence.

"Lila." I turned to see the glowing screen of his phone facing me. Without context, I looked at the photo staring back at me. Nathan was at least five years younger, hair a mess, and mud all over him as he reached towards the camera. I couldn't deny how cute he looked with an angry scowl on his face, but what really made me laugh was that he was naked, though the mud did a good job censoring most of it.

"I hopped over a huge puddle of mud while he was chasing me in his wolf form, and before you know it he slams head first into it. When he changed back I barely managed to snap a shot without him killing me."

"Evan!" Nathan looked in the rear view mirror, glaring daggers at the beta. It barely seemed to faze the man beside me as he flipped to the next photo of his back caked in dirt. I did my best not to admire the view while also finding the irritation of the driver to be amusing.

"I think he had mud on him for a week afterward no matter how much he tried washing it off."

"I'll stop the car right here." Nathan warned.

As he slipped his phone back into his pocket, Evan laughed, and I was surprised when I smiled in return.


We parked in a plaza, a few dozen stores surrounding us as I stepped out. I kept my eyes on everyone nearby, anxious and paranoid that if I wasn't careful, someone would grab me when no one was looking.

"Do you have a preference?" Nathan suddenly asked me.

I peeked over at him and saw his eyes on mine. Since I was wearing his jacket, he had on a tan long sleeved shirt, tight enough that the muscles beneath showed visibly. My attention shifted to the stores around us, doing my best to focus on anything but him.

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