Chapter Fifty

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A/N: Lila is a bit more tame in her...dialogue than some of my other characters. The sexual scenes from her and Nathan's POV will be a lot less vulgar compared to some of my other characters coming up, so be forewarned for my later books  ;)



It was like a switch went off. I looked down at Nathan, with his disheveled swept back hair and stubbled jaw, with grey eyes raking over me and lips parted as if he was tempted to taste every inch he admired. His dress shirt was rolled up to his elbows, showing off the muscles in his arms, and his grey tie was loose around his neck, pointing down towards the hem of his pants.

It was difficult not to follow the tie with my eyes and see for myself if the alpha wanted me just as badly as I wanted him.

Nathan leaned up and brought his hands to the sleeves of the black shrug I wore. It was thrown beside his blazer within seconds, and his mouth found my neck the moment it was exposed to him. He groaned against my skin, making the ache between my legs build up even more.

His hands pushed under my dress to cup my bare ass in either hand while his tongue dragged over my skin. I was suddenly thankful I was on his lap and not standing up, because my legs shook with the feeling of his mouth and hands on me, how he pushed his hips up against me to show me how hard he was.

"You're not wearing underwear either." Nathan's voice was a growl. "And here I always thought you were a good girl."

I wanted to laugh, but it came out raspy. "Looks can be deceiving."

"Clearly." Nathan said against my neck.

A stifled giggle slipped past my lips when he spun me around and laid me on the bed, hovering above me as his mouth followed down the dip of my neck towards my chest. He stopped momentarily to get himself comfortable, and I reached up to take a hold of his jaw to stop him.

"Lay down." I instructed.

Nathan searched my face for a moment but didn't argue. He carefully slid down onto the bed and let himself fall back, frowning up at me. I would have asked why he looked so upset, but he sensed my inquiry and answered before I could ask. "I'd like to be more hands on than this..."

I arched an eyebrow and trailed my eyes up his body, faltering when I could easily see the prominent tent of his pants. Oh how badly I wanted to see it. "You can still be hands on while on your back."

"Not as much as I'd like." Nathan ground out.

"Someone sure likes to complain." I smiled and crawled over to him, shutting him up instantly.

His eyes trailed over me, and I could tell by the sound of his breathing that he was struggling to stay where he was. I decided this was a lot more fun than I originally planned. To be honest, I was surprised this was happening at all, but I wasn't sure why. I didn't want to focus on that right now, not when I wanted this.

I was careful not to put any weight on his knees as I lifted one of my legs over him and straddled his thighs, purposely ignoring what was above it. "Do you want this?" I asked while I moved my hands to his tie and gave it a tug.

As if the question was distasteful, Nathan grunted. "You'd be blind to think I wouldn't want you."

His warm hands stroked up my knees, higher and higher until my dress was bunched at my hips. The small amount of fabric that barely hid the space between my legs was enough to block Nathan's view. I struggled to pay attention to anything else as I began undoing the buttons of his shirt, starting from the top and undoing them one at a time.

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