Chapter Forty-Four

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Chapter Forty-Four


I noticed something was off a few days later.

Caligo and some of the others were a bit more insistent on how much I ate. They'd hand alcohol over to me like it was candy, tell me that it would help with work. In reality, I was beginning to feel worse rather than better. I would wake up in the middle of the night sweating, and unable to stay asleep for more than an hour or two at a time. My mind was off track most of the day, to the point where I would leave Lila and go for a run despite being on edge whenever she was alone.

Just when I thought everything was beginning to make sense again, it stalled a few days after Lila arrived. It didn't take much time for me to find out why.

On my way to dinner, I stopped by Caligo's tent, but before I could call out to him I heard someone talking to him inside.

"Might want to lessen the dosage," said a voice I didn't recognize.

"Is that wha' the doc said?" I recognized it as Cal's.

"No, but don't wanna kill him either."

My gut told me something was off, but instead of interrupting the two , I stood back and waited for them to finish. The stranger stepped out first, and I realized I'd seen his face around. His name was lost to me, but he had scars littering the right side of his head, leaving most of his short hair patchy. He was at least ten years older than me, and the grimace on his face seemed permanent every time I saw him.

He noticed me instantly, and his posture stiffened. I had half the thought of pushing him down to the ground and asking him what the hell they were talking about, but decided I'd leave it to my 'friend' in the tent to explain instead.
Realizing I wasn't going to say anything, the man left, giving me the chance to slip into the inside and face Caligo.

"I thought I already told ya- Shit!" He scrambled back, eyes wide when he noticed it was me. "Nate!" he grinned, but the fear in his gaze betrayed him. "What are ya doin' here?"

His tent was larger than most of the others, leaving enough room for a small drawer to my right. Atop of it were bottles, some half-full and some completely empty. I stepped towards it, but Cal intercepted me. "What do ya want Nate?"

The sudden shift in his composure alerted me further. "What the hell have you been slipping me?"

He paled but tried to act it off. "What do ya mean?"

"I heard what you said." I growled.

"Look." Caligo smiled falsely. "We noticed you 'ere actin' off, Lila must have been takin' your meds instead right? Ya needed more; I was just makin' sure you didn' lose your strength. She's weakenin' ya Nate."

My wolf flared inside me, but ebbed shortly thereafter. After only a few seconds, I hummed in approval, knowing that Caligo was right. I should have never lessened my dosage, I forgot why I did to begin with, but the other part of me still knew it was wrong. I was being drugged, even if the high I felt made me feel incredible, I'd rather choose to take it, than have it forced into me.

"Slip it to me again, and I'll snap your neck." I warned, and the look in his eye told me he'd listen. "I'll take them, all you had to do was ask."

I left the tent seconds later, downing two pills in front of Cal to prove my point. I wasn't sure how I'd tell Lila, I knew she'd disapprove, but a part of me also didn't understand why. It was like a part of me was foggy, my memories and senses unable to clear up long enough to explain to me why I was so on edge. 

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