Chapter Fifty-Three

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This is the final chapter.
Wow! Thank you if you read this far. This is the first book I've ever finished and I'm so proud of myself for getting this far. I'm so grateful for you all as well, and I hope you're all excited for the second installment in the series following a new couple.

Lila and Nathan will get a side story in the future (either book 2.5 or 3.5), so look forward to that if you enjoyed this.

So, for this last smutty chapter, I hope you enjoy <3


Chapter Fifty-Three


It wasn't until the third day, that it really hit her. I struggled to stay asleep through the night with Lila beside me. She shifted beneath the blankets, tossing them off and then bundling herself under them seconds later. She was adamant that she slept naked while we were here because she felt like she was burning up inside.

Even after taking her temperature and seeing it come back normal, she insisted the room was too hot. I turned the heater and fireplace off, shivering in bed while she struggled to keep the duvet over herself. By the time the morning hit she was already in the shower, but something felt different. An incessant need boiled up inside me, and I headed straight to the bathroom door where I knew Lila was.

Her head tilted up to me, lips parted, shallow breaths escaping her while she sat beneath the showerhead. I stopped moving the moment I saw her hand between her legs, the way her face was flushed and eyes half closed while looking up at me.

I didn't hesitate to walk over to her and open the shower door. "What are you doing?"

"Hot. It's so hot. Nathan..." she looked down at the bulge in my loose fitted pants and licked her lips, capturing a drop of cool water on her tongue. "I want you."

A threatening calm washed over me, and as I looked down at my mate, I wanted nothing more than to fufill what she craved. I would have regretted not learning more about the heat cycle of a female shifter if I knew it would lead to this. I couldn't control myself, not entirely, the same way Lila couldn't, but we spoke about it beforehand and made sure it was clear she'd want this. Lila said she wanted to be with me when it finally happened, so I knew it was consensual, but I was nervous I'd hurt her. I didn't want to be too rough, too forceful, but I wasn't sure if I could hold back.

A wave hit me, making me hold onto the shower door and nearly keel over. I coughed and looked at Lila while she moaned, pressing her face against my leg and shaking. "Please, Nate. It hurts. Fuck I need you. Now."

Goosebumps covered me as I stepped into the shower and ignored the water soaking my pants. Lila happily pulled them off, admiring what lay beneath. The way she eyed me made my body ache for her even more. I touched her soaking wet hair and tilted her head back to look up at me.

"Get up, let me take care of you." I managed to say.

Brown eyes searched mine while Lila moved to kneel at my feet and take me in her hand. My abdomen tightened, and I hissed softly. "What a-"

"I want to taste you." She breathed.

Well shit. "I thought you said you'd never bow before an alpha." I tried sounding amused, but it just came out rough.

Her usual self surfaced, and she glared while squeezing the base of my shaft. I grunted, making her smile and move up towards the tip. A breathy sigh slipped past my lips and Lila leaned forward. "Don't make me change my mind."

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