Chapter 44

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I pick the bottle up and shake it in my hand before moving back into the crowd, I turn my focus to a familiar blonde moving to sit down with her little minions behind her. Even though I don't want it to, my heart drops at the sight of her.

Who's mother dragged her child to this? I try shake it off and make my way to my mother who's in the second living room where there's not a lot of people, probably her, Saints mom and a few other mothers.

I knock on the door softly before entering "I got the bottle." I walk in and hand it to my mother. I look around the empty room? Where are the mothers gone?

"Thank you," she gives me a soft smile, she's in a better state. Less bloody and no one has fainted yet. "Come here,"

"I really need to-"

"It can wait." She tells me "Here take him." I move to her and bend a little taking the new born "Careful with his-"

"Head. Yes ma I know." I rest the head in the nook of my elbows and start rocking the baby, he moves a little in my arms before his ice blue eyes open looking up at me. Well that makes two of us, I was starting to wonder when or if one of my sibling will inherit my fathers eyes.

A brunette with blue eyes, he's going to break hearts "Please don't name him something that starts with a J," I turn to my mom who's wiping down her dress, she lets out a soft chuckle.

"Jerome's a nice name."

"No mom. No it isn't." I shake my head as she move to me then takes the infant out my hands with care. I watch her do so taking in everything form her slick back her to her white cute slippers.

"If you don't mind, I gotta go ask as alpha to leave my room." I turn locking eyes with her then open the door going back into the flood of people. Unlike Saint, we don't have an arcade where we can throw kids so imagine how many little alphas and betas are running around.

A little girl literally zooms pass me just as I was thinking about it. I focus back to the stairs and then start to go up them. At the top I pull my dress down a little as it rid up.

When I get to my room I see my bathroom door wide open with the light beaming form it "Excuse me alpha," I call out stepping in my room "I'd ask you respectfully to leave my room as all bedrooms are off limits. If you'd like I can lead you back downstairs to where the party is?"

After a second of silence I don't get a response so I listen in for a heartbeat, okay so someone is definitely there. Just as I'm about to repeat myself a tall figure in a tux walks out stopping by the doorframe. "Imma ask you respectfully to come over here."

I feel each of my cheeks curl up into a grin, I turn quickly closing my door then practically run jumping into Saints arms, my impact takes him back a step my his arms warp around my hips and my legs warp around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"You're back!" I whisper taking in his scent I've miss so much. I feel a rapid wind at the back of my hair as he spins us around. "You're back!" I hug him tighter.

"God I've missed you." He buries his head in the nook of my neck as I run my pretty white nails in the back of his hair. We stay like this. Just feeling his chest against mine is enough, listening to his deep breaths and his rapid heartbeat. It's enough.

He moves us back suddenly then places me on my bathroom counter, I sit as his hands run up my body until they cup my face. His baby blue eyes look down at me, I see Fiji in his eyes. I see the nights we spent sleeping in each other's arms. I see a leader. I see Saint.

In a blink his eyes are glowing red unleashing his alpha, I do the same letting Nia's alpha go too. I shut my eyes feeling his soft lips against mine, the rapid impacts sends me leaning back for a second but I kiss him back. Our first kiss wasn't as great as this but the electric tingles still linger on my lips.

He pulls away look down at me but I just pull him back in taking a little control, I feel a hand run through the back of my hair and then he tugs on it lightly angling it up towards him. He presses his lips harder on mine and I take it with a lustful desire. My hands run up his arms taking his tux off and I throw it aside.

His kisses start to push me down onto the cold counter but I don't even acknowledge it, my attention is on his working hand that's rubbing my inner thigh and his soft kisses he's planting on my neck going down to my shoulder and collarbone.

His lips start to move down kissing the top of my breast then he looks up at almost like he's signalling me but we both know where he's going, when he starts kissing my inner thighs my breathing begin to shake just thinking about it.

His warm hand move up my legs pushing my dress up and then he rests a hand on my stomach, the other is by my thigh keeping my legs spread. I feel him teasing me, licking and sucking around my thigh probably leaving hickeys only he can see.

I can feel myself start to heat up at the torture making me drip so bad, I don't know if it's because he loves getting a reaction out of me but his slow torment is something I want. Something I can handle.

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