Chapter 48

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"If you don't mind me asking, I've been informed your mated with Malic Salvadore?"

"Yes." I reply before filling my mouth.

"Given the history he and Tomas share, has there been any talk of merging packs?" The question catches me completely off guard.

I open my mouth catching myself before I um, "No, we haven't discussed that yet." I know it has to happen, sooner or later, but I didn't think people were expecting it so soon. "We haven't even discussed it yet." I scan my own pack, do they even want to merge with them?

"The only time we saw them was my brothers party," Tili speaks up. "They tend to really stay together."

"Like they make you feel excluded even when you're there with them," I remember Bailey already said that to me, it took quite the convincing to change her mind about them.

Just like Saint, his pack is cold and ruthless at times, they have no filter sometimes and that could give others a wrong impression of them. I don't even know how I feel about his pack.

"I'm sure the subject will come up, when it does I'll personally inform you on the matter." I try warping the subject up in hopes we can move on.

"Of course," Cheryl nods and the sound of our utensils scratching our plates rings in the air. "So girls, how is it having your big sister as your alpha?"

"The only differences is now that she's a little bossier it's harder to say no." Tili's comments takes a chuckle out of everyone. For some time, we keep talking and then Tomas and I go do the dishes while Bailey and Tili stay chatting with Tomas' aunt.

"She likes you." Tomas takes a plate I hand him as I go to pick up another to rinse.

"You think so?"

"Yeah," he rubs the plate dry before placing down. "I think it's your honesty she appreciates." I smile to that as I hand him another. "You're not seriously considering merging, are you?" I knew his silence at the table was too good to be true.

"You think it's a bad idea.."

"He murdered my previous alpha, of course I think it's a bad idea!" His outbursts silences me. "I won't serve under that bastard-
I didn't-"

"It's fine." I hand him another plate. Our talk fades with the sound of dishes smacking together and the light of our breathing. I don't blame him for hating Saint so much, what he did was more then crossing the line, it makes sense to resent him.

It's not like Saint was my favourite person when I met him, it did take more then a little convincing than to tolerate him. At this rate, I should just get the both of them to talk it out. I don't know what else I can do.

"Are you guys done?" Bailey wonders back in.

"Yeah, we are." Tomas finishes his plate.

"Good!" We both follow Bailey back into the living space where Tili is sitting on the soft rug with a warp gift in front of her. "Sit!" She beckons us over and we all move. Because I'm wearing a dress, I can't particularly cross my legs so I have to be careful about my positioning.

"It's small," Cheryl brings out a box. "But it belonged to your father so," reaching out to Tomas as hands him the black ring box and he takes it.

"Thank you." He wears a small satisfied smile as he opens it, shoot her a quick glance he picks up the ring, a black titanium ring. "Wow." He slips it on his right middle finger, then shows it off. "Was this his-"

"No." His aunt is quick to reply. "No, it isn't." I scan between them, was he about to say wedding ring? Tomas hugs his aunt before I get the chance to ask.

"My turn!" Tili shrieks. I guess I always have time to ask later. My eyes wonder back to my little sister and she pushes a case in front of him and he leans in to start unwrapping it. The more paper he tears the more I can tell just exactly what type of bag it is.

Him opening the bag fills the silence before we're all looking down at a brand new pair of tennis rackets. "Wow,"

"We know you suck but that could always change!" Something about Tomas' genuine laugh sounds like it's form the heart. "I even got it customized, look!" She takes it upon herself to turn the racket and point to the handle.

In white is Tomas' full name embroidered in a neat italic handwriting. We've only played with him twice ever since he joined the pack, it's always been a tradition we made and now he's a part of it. "I do love it. Come here." He takes her in for a hug and my gaze lands on his beaming aunt.

"Here." It's Bailey's turn and she pushes a small bag in front of him, he takes it and starts to remove the tissue paper before digging inside to pull out a cologne bottle. "Not that you stink or anything."

I don't think I've seen Tomas' smile grow so wide. "No," he chuckles, "thank you." He pushes down letting on puff out so we can all take a whiff, it's strong but has a wild virile hint to it. With him starting to pack his aunt stand to go fetch the gift I had to sneak in.

"Okay so it's not a lot but-at least his way you can't say I don't listen when you talk! So you mentioned, on multiple occasions, how you'd love to learn how to ride a bike like mine, so..." Cheryl comes back in with a box and I help shove it to him.

"No way!" He pulls the box to him. "No fucking way! Oh god- excuse me!" His shoulder rise adding a few inches to him as he lifts the cover off. "My own helmet?!" He takes it out and starts to examine it.

"You just need a provisional license to drive a bike and then nothings in your way of learning-" I'm taken back form the force of being pressed into him chest. "Woah!" I'm lifted off the ground to be snug a little. "You're welcome I guess."

"Thank you! Thank you all!" He lets go to hug his aunt again and I nod to him.


With a change of heart, I drop my sisters back off then head back to the mansion, Nia isn't the only one that been missing him throughout dinner.

Entering the house, I put my keys down and make my way up to our room. Saint sits on our bed with two screens in front of him, one of his laptop and another of his phone. As soon as my body comes to view he looks up form his phone.

"You came back?" The light form his phone shuts and he sits up.

"Yeah," I move to him. "Surprised?" I read his face.

"A little." He reaches out to me when I'm close enough then pulls me forth. "But I'm glad you're here." Our lips meet and he takes me down to him. His hands run up the fabric of my dress as I'm pressed down on top of him into a straddle.

I take his face into my hands deepening the kiss, he tug on me absenting the space that was between our bodies. My stomach knots with nerves just feeling his fingers slip into my dress, my lips start to swell at how desperate and wet the kiss is growing.

This is going to be a long night.

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