Chapter 15

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It's music to my ears when when Saint mother calls for him to bring me back, we spent what feels like forever making ridiculous small talk but it turns out to be just thirty minutes we spent talking.

"Thank you go having us!" Dad says hugging alpha Vincent and then his Luna.

"It's a pleasure," Saint's father says taking my hand and hugs me, so Saint's the only one who has boundaries? Interesting. I rub his back and pull away with a small smile. I go in hugging his wife too.

"Please feel free to come back!" She says pulling away, I move to Saint I put my hand out for him to shake. He takes it and the second my fingertips touch his I feel tiny electrical sparks fly through my hands, my dad talking sounds like he's under water as Saint and i's warm hands stay together.

I don't know if he does it intentionally but his thumb runs back and forth across the back of my hand before I pull away hesitantly.

"Thank you again!" Dad says opening the door, I follow close behind him taking a last glance at Saint's smiling parents and then him. His face focused on my father and I with his hands in his pockets. I turn back to my dad and he opens my door for me then waves at the Salvadore before getting inside.

The first thing I do I take my fucking shoes off finally letting me feet breath, I curl my toes listening to my feet crack as I do so. Dad turns on his engine and I put my seatbelt on. "So how was it?" We start to move.

"It was pretty boring." I tell him and we set off into the night, I look out the window letting the street lights hit my face every time we pass one.

"Maybe next time." Dad tells me getting on a highway.

"There's gonna be a next time?!" I turn to him and he just simply nods. The twenty minutes ride home is filled with silence and I'm glad because it gave me enough time to think about my next excuse, I can say I'm sick and have to stay home.

But that means I have to play sick for at least two days in advance, it'll be a little sus if I just became sick on the day we're supposed to have another family dinner with the Salvadores.

Dad pulls up in the garage and I unbuckle my seatbelt picking my shoes and my purse up as I open my car door, I step out feeling the cold garage floor. My dad come to view in front of me and takes my purse and shoes from me, "Jump." He tell me turning around and bending a little.

I step out then jump on his back warping my legs around his waist and neck so I don't fall, he turns closing my car door and then locks his car making his way to the elevator. He presses a button calling the elevator down. "Do you like Saint?" He asks as we wait for the elevator.

I swallow as his question makes my heart skip a beat. "I don't know him well enough." I simply say trying to control my racing heart, why would my father think I like that idiot?

The elevator door opens and we step in, I let myself go sliding down my father back letting me feet meet the carpet floor. It's not a long wait before out home opens up to us and I take my purse and shoes from my father and making my way upstairs "Good night dad."

"Good night." He says going into the kitchen. I go into my room and immediately go for the bathroom to remove my makeup and do my face routine before knocking out on my bed with my dinner clothes.

The beaming sunshine wake me up and I groan remembering that I didn't close my blinds, ugh great. I sit up shading my eyes with my hand then move to my bathroom, I take my hair out in front of my ten feet mirror then open my seventh draw revealing all my hair products.

I get some shampoo, conditioner and hair moisturizer putting them on my counter. I split my hair in two putting them in front of my so I have no hair on my back and then turn to my mirror, I stretch trying to reach my zipper and with a little bit more stretching I get here.

"Oh my gosh!" I sigh getting out of of the jumpsuit, it drops to the floor and I pick it up throwing it on my marble counter. I take off my strapless bra and lacy panties going nude and then run the water in my glass shower before stepping in with my shampoo and conditioner.

I let the warm water consume me letting go of everything, I'm trying my hardest not to think about Saint but that's all that's running through my mind, why? I don't know. But seeing him yesterday turned something in my on and I want it off, like right now!

Even Nia is mesmerized by him and that's completely rare, it also scares me how only thinking about him makes me get all mushy inside. I've only felt this once and it was for kiaza, I just don't want history reacting itself so I need to keep my guard up.

I rinse my hair out then shampoo it and then put conditioner in, while letting the conditioner sit I scrub my body clean and then do a finally rinse through my hair and body. I set out and warp my body with a towel making sure it's secure before I start moving around.

I open a draw full of grey oversized shirts I only use to dry my hair with, I start scrunching my hair letting all the water out until I'm left with waves and slight curls. I open my seventh draw getting out some heat protecter and pour that in my left hand, I pour my hair moisturizer in my hand two mixing the two products and then run in through my hair.

I wash my hands then move to my face.

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