Chapter 23

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I start to dig into the small appetizers 'cause guess who didn't eat breakfast. "Hey what do you know about mate bonds?" I put a cracker with cheese in my mouth.

"I know that you start to feel it when your sixteen and on a full moon the bond is the strongest." Omg! I totally forgot that!

"Have you found your mate?" I look up at him from the tray of appetizers, his eyes lock on mine and we just stare in silence "Do you think I'm your mate?" He doesn't respond so I raise my eyebrows looking away.

"A mate bond isn't always felt at first." He tells me.

"That's when your mate is a different species. I would feel it if you were my mate."

"Do you?"

"Do I what?" I look up at him.

"Do you feel it with anyone?" He questions, Saint. I feel it with Saint but I'll never say that out loud. I stuff my mouth with food making it seem like I can't answer because my mouth is full. "You should tell him."

"No," I shake my head "that's me giving him a key. Plus I don't know how I feel."

"Let's talk about it." He offers and I grimace a little confused, "I've been totally friend zone so I might as well help you with your Malic situation." I look up at him completely dazed.

"What?" I swallow with my heart in my chest.

"It's kinda obvious." He shrugs.

"We're dropping the topic." I insist and he goes quite for a moment, if he could tell that I like Saint imagine what my own parents picked up! "Actually, you're going to tell me what happened between you guys."

Now he's the dazed one. "You always insist we don't talk about it when he's there. Well," I look around "no one's here."

"Well I didn't know him, I still don't." He leans his head back making it hang upside down, I watch him swallow moving his Adam's apple in his throat.

"That's it?" He turns his head towards me before hanging it again "Tomas!" I hit him in the arm now forcing him to elaborate, he chuckles at me but doesn't budge so I start to plot "You know what? It's fine," I put my tray down.

"I just wanted to hear your side of the story." I sit up probably and pull my sandals closer to me, I hear him move meaning he's probably sitting up straight wondering what the hell I mean by that "I wanna see the view," I stand moving away "you coming?"

"What do you mean by 'my side of the story'?" He questions and I shrug.

"You coming or not?"

"Sit down." His eyebrows frown giving me the lost confused look yet, I take my seat again trying with all my might to not smile "Tell me what you know."

"I only know what Malic told me," I sigh "I just wanted clarification. But I get it, it's not something you want to talk about." I shrug watching my lie sink in, I also see he's trying to put the pieces together and try back my lie up with a little facts, "The dinner party."

"It just came up as a conversation starter, kinda, and then he told me that you're alpha and him had a really heated argument and things just escalated." I shrug.

"He said things just escalated?" He mocks.

"Yeah," I mean it makes sense right? If people hate each other it's gotta start with a small thing like an argument. Plus I don't know his alpha's name so if he asks I'm fucked.

"Well things didn't just 'escalate'" he uses bunny ears form "escalate".

"Then what happened?" I ask a little softer this time.

"He killed my alpha. In cold blood." I can practically hear the hatred in his voice almost like it's a disease just stuck in the back of his throat "He's heartless and insensate. You don't want him as your mate." His eyes find mine.

"What did he do?" Now I'm a little concerned.

Tomas goes mute for what seems like forever until his eyes look back at me, but they're glossy with unshed tears. Please don't cry. "They were basically childhood best friends, they did everything together but Clive as always was a late bloomer." I assume Clive is his deceased alpha.

"Malic always got the first pick at everything, friends, food, toys and even girls at one point. He didn't talk much about Malic and when he didn't it was almost like-" he stops leaning me blinking.

"Like?" I pry.

"Like he was afraid," he looks at me and I no longer see tears in his eyes, good. "I was never a beta assigned to him. I was actually an orphan, don't know my family and I don't want to- but that's not the point. Point is Clive was like a father, best friend and a brother all in one."

"Time passed on and Clive kept taking care of me, soon he adopted me into his pack and we were a great duo. He however did have betas assigned to him and when they join the pack, I felt left out. I was never welcomed and was too caught up trying to not get jumped by my own pack to see what was really happening."

"I don't know the full story," he states "but I do know it had something to do with Bella-"

"Bella?" I but it.

"The blonde? She's the alpha's favourite."

"Oh, you mean his bitch?"

"But it wasn't just her, they fought about financial problem that quickly escalated to pack problems and that's when the threats came in. It was a mess. I'm sure he told you that."

"No, he insisted it was to long to tell. So he kinda skipped that part." I try make him elaborate.

"Well it is long." No shit Tomas! We got all day. "It was just a bunch of threats going back and forth but it wasn't until Clive threaten Malic's Luna, that he didn't even know back then, that Malic started putting his threats into action."

Tomas pauses. I kinda just sit there wanting him to carry one but also not wanting to pry too much.

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