Chapter 3

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The school day finally comes to an end and I'm practically jumping with joy "I'll see you tomorrow?" Tomas asks and I nod making my way to the front office where my dad is suppose to pick me up.

I take my phone out form my left side of my blazer and text my dad that school is out. My eyes shift upwards following a masculine figure to his car, his broad shoulders lift in time with his breathing as he opens his car door.

I can practically hear Nia purring just looking at him fully amused, I watch him tense up and turn in my direction. I press Nia down but still feel an instant pull towards him that make me feel unforgettable.

He leans on his car and just studies me from a far, I look back down at my phone hearing a door close and an engine start. When I look up Malic is no longer there making me sigh in relief.

I'm still left standing by the entrance of the school for a half an hour before I give up and decide to walk home, to be honest I don't know my way home from here but Nia should figure it out, since it is her territory.

I keep my head up occasionally looking down at my phone for the time until I reach my penthouse building, I go up the elevator and press my house number. The ding announces my arrival as I step in.

"She's home!" I hear a high pitch shriek and then my two little sister come running in, "Hi! Hi! Hi!" Tili the youngest of us says.

"Mom says we have to go for a run." Bailey the middle child says, she's mostly a lot moody lately just because she's struggling to control her wolf, at fifteen you should be able to control it. Not in her case.

"Give me a sec." I step out of Tili's hug and run up my room and do a quick change into a shirt and shorts making sure to grab a bag with a change of clothes. I rush back down seeing both sisters with their bags. "Okay let's go!" I open the elevator doors.

We step in and at the bottom floor we head through the double doors to the backyard where there's an untouched forest that leads the universe know where, I drop my bag and start running.

I hear light footsteps behind me meaning Tili and Bailey are not far behind, I keep up my paste up letting Nia take control. Branches break under my feet as the wind passes me brushing my hair out.

I get on all fours still in human form but making me run a lot faster. My left leg cracks indicating I'm starting to shift, my right leg is next to go making me growl in pain. When I'm in my wolf form in the freest I've ever been but shifting is still as painful as the first time.

I start to slow down as my clothes shed from me growing out of them, my back burns as the bones crack one my one until I'm finally in full wolf from. Nia purrs happy to be back again and I look down at my white paws, I arch my back stretching and letting a groan out.

I trod my way to a struggling Bailey and Tili who's guarding her, I circle them guarding Tili who's guarding Bailey until she finally gets in her form. Both of them nuzzle each other before they do me.

My father was mated with a royal beta explains why it was passed down to me, the white fur, silver eyes and grey eyes when I'm in human form. My mother died two months after I was born. I don't remember her.

But Bailey's mom has always treated me like her first child and has done nothing but give me the true motherly love and I will always be grateful. Bailey and Tili shake out their brown furs simultaneously then look up at me with beaming gold eyes.

I nod them over letting them know we can get going now. Bailey takes the lead with Tili following her and I stay behind them making sure to monitor them, I watch them race off and I keep behind them letting them run free.

I don't know how long we've been out for and only remember that we have to be back before dinner when the sun starts to set, I howl letting Bailey know it's time to retreat. She turns and runs over to me.

She snuggles up against and then Tili comes joins.

We all change behind thick bushes and then step out, I run my hands through my hair waiting for the girls to finishes up. "That was fun!" A giddy Tili says still tying her shoes, I hear a frustrated growl coming form behind Bailey's bush.

Tili looks over at me and I make my way around to see Bailey still in wolf form, I raise my hand for her to sniff making it safe for me to pet her "Tell Mom we'll be home!" I instruct to Tili and she nods and goes off in a soft jog.

This isn't the first time she's been trapped in wolf form, but it has been an un common thing since she's been handling herself pretty well. Even when I'm standing we still meet eye to eye meaning not only in wolf form but in human form she taller then me.

"Sit down." I tell her taking a seat my myself, she puts her head on my lap and I keep rubbing on her so her wolf can clam down. We kinda just have to sit with her until she's ready to change back.

I jump awake at the sound of leaves crunching, I look down at a now naked Bailey in human form and gently nudged her awake. We've been out here for too long and it's now pitch black. Bailey sits up open her back pack and puts on another pair of shorts and a shirt.

We both stand hearing more leaves crunch. Bailey turns to me and we share the same look.

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