Chapter 32

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My fathers eyes pin on me as my whole body goes into a paralyzed daze, I'm in the same trace my dad is stuck in making me feel nothing. I can't even remember if there was wind or not.

"Alpha announce your blessing," a distant voice says but my dad doesn't take his eyes off me. Oh my gosh! I know why I can't feel anything! I'm no longer in control, whatever is happening is happening between Nia and my fathers wolf. This has nothing to do with me.

"I as alpha, bless my daughter Nadia to become alpha of her pack. I give her the opportunity to show true leadership and to follow in my footsteps." My dad says and I feel him let go but I'm still stuck in the trance, I start to hear Zelda's chants again before she touches my forehead. But I can't see her.

"Your father has blessed you Nadia, I now call the alpha in you out. Come rule your pack." My whole body goes limp and I feel the rough grass scratch my knees just making my lading a little lighter.

I feel something in me bust into flames and the battle between Nia and something spiritual in me starts to break, I can feel everything but can't actually do anything. The spirit is almost like a red flame itself and I watch Nia in wolf form approach the spirit.

Nia bows and then spirit disappears in her, I watch her stand on all fours kinda paralyzed and the she turns to me. With red eyes. And a protective flame around her. Nia stares me down and then pounces for me basically jumping side me.

I gasp forcing my eyes open and sit up, I touch my chest where Nia jumped inside but feel nothing. My eyes shift to my father and he gives me a proud smile, did it work?

"Alpha Nadiana." I turn to Zelda and she waves me over, I stand up finally feeling the ground and my skin again.

"Did it work?" I ask her.

"Yes." She smiles "Stand here." She instructs and I take my place in between Tomas and Bailey, who are both looking at me almost in awe. "Everyone put your hands out." We all do as we're told and she goes around putting dirt in our hands starting with my already stained hands form my fathers blood. "Dirt will insure you are not only connected to yourselves but to the earth so you can always find your way back to each other." She puts the last of the dirt in Tili's hand.

"Fire represents the flame in your pack, each one of you has a little fire in you. This also represents suffering which will happen, and you will overcome it. As a pack." She moves out my view then comes back with a glove on and the same knife she use to cut my dad's palms open.

She comes back to me slicing right into my hand making me wince, my blood sizzles as the knife is burning hot. She does the same to my other hand making me actually want to tear up, she moves to Tomas and does the same thing to him "Take her hand." She tells him and I go to hold Tomas' hand.

"Blood makes you family bonding you together for life, even if one of you become an omega, your family was and is always here-"

"Ow!" Tili winces as Tomas takes her left hand, Zelda steps out the circle cutting into Bailey and Tili's hand as they complete the circle. I can feel blood dripping out my hand and the dirt in my skin doesn't make it any better.

"Betas repeat after me," She starts "I as a beta, pledge my loyalty to my alpha Nadiana."

"I as a beta, pledge my loyalty to my alpha Nadiana." They all repeat in unison.

"I'll respect, understand and always put my alpha first," I watch as they all parrot Zelda's words "my price is death if I leave my pack by choice and become an omega." I know what she by that, Tomas is some what lucky to have survived being an omega for so long.

Most lone wolves get picked apart by bigger packs and don't make it more than a year alone, I don't know how Tomas did it. But then again his alpha was killed. "Alpha," Zelda gets my attention "your turn." She says and I nod.

"I as alpha, take responsibility for my betas." I repeat after her "I'll understand, respect and always be there for them. My price is death if ever I abandon my betas by choice."

"By the power of the full moon and black magic, you are now a pack." She announces and I turn to my dad with the biggest smile, I go to him and warp my arms around his neck into a tight hug. "I'm proud of you honey." He tell me then his eyes shift behind me.

"Go run your pack." He tells me and I nod going back to Tomas and my sisters. "How is everyone feeling?" I ask scanning each face.

"Good!" Tili shrieks and I look down at my now healed hands but they're stained with dry blood.

"Let's go." I tell them and head into the forest, I set off running with my three betas beside me and I start to speed up letting Nia come out. It doesn't take long for us to shift tearing our clothes with our new form, I growl at the painful shift then start to stretch into Nia's body.

I look down at my still white paws and I'm pretty grateful that my fur didn't change, I trod over to Bailey who now getting the hang of shifting and then we start to take off reassuming the game of tag we were playing back home.

We decide to split up into two teams so we don't get divided and I make Tomas go with one of my sister just in case they become defenceless. I did all that with growling and head gestures.

We do mange to play a really extended game of tag only occasionally running into other wolves and packs but never actually interacting with them.

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