Chapter 55

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The easy part was getting ready for school, I'm too occupied to think about anything else, but walking into school was the first step I really had to take, seeing him was the second.

I make my way to my locker to get my agenda out and check what I have for my first period; chemistry. I find Tomas already in class and he looks up surprised to see me, I move to him as his smile grows. "Ah, look who finally decided to show up."

"Shut up." I sit down. Even though I tried not to look, I couldn't help but to and realized Malic is not in class, I couldn't even smell him. His pack however, is here, except the alpha in question and Ly.

"How are you holding up,"

"I'm fine." I practiced that in the shower, getting ready, on my way here, it's almost believable. Almost. "You?"

"All this revision is driving me crazy," he leans on his elbows.

"Oh yeah, the revision for the upcoming exams."

"I really need to catch up-" I drop my sentence feeling the scent I once didn't recognize blow up my nose.

"Nadia can we talk?" I look up at Malic towering over my desk, the dull ache in my chest returns at maximum capacity as I meet his eyes.

"No." Who knew one word could take so much form you. We sustain eye contact before the teacher walks in and I divert my eyes to him instead. "Alpha." A mumble by Ly I assume before I'm finally left alone.

I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. I have to do everything in my might to hold onto one emotion: anger, if I'm mad at him I won't run back to him, if I keep remembering him coming back with hickeys I won't go back.

I keep my eyes at the front as our teacher explains our laboratory exercise, once he's done Malic stands yet again and come right for me. "We're partners." He commands and my eyebrows knit together.

"No we're not."

"Tomas is with Bella." He looks over at Tomas.

"No he's not!" I do the same and watch Tomas look between us, I shake my head to him standing but he goes anyways. I try blinking to wake up but it seems I'm not dreaming, instead, I wonder off to go get an safety jacket and our required equipment.

"Are you going to write?" My eyes start to sting, I glance back at Tomas who's already looking, why'd he have to fucking leave me with Malic, alone? "Or do the practical?"

"I'll write." He tells me and I start to empty the basket I brought, I move the sheet of instructions that was handed to us, bringing it closer. "I couldn't get to you," my heart drops, "I texted, I called."

"Yeah," I take my blazer off to put the white jacket on. "I watched it ring. Solution A consists of potassium iodate and 98% sulfuric acid." I let my eyes wonder to his hands to see if he's actually getting any of this down.

"Nadia, you need to give me a chance." My hands start to tremble, I don't know how long I can go listening to him. "I was too hungover to explain anything, too much in shock to really say anything that made sense."

"Solution B consists of cornstarch, malonic acid and," I pick the last up to read, "manganese sulfate monohydrate."

"So your just going to ignore me?"

"Not ignoring you, I'm very well aware of your presence." I grab a beaker and pour in one hundred millilitres worth of distilled water, I glance up to see if Malic noticed my unsteady hands. I'd be surprised if he didn't notice with the way he's studying at me.

I turn the mixer on and start to pour in my potassium iodate form my first solution. "So this is you copping?" I shoot him a glare going back to add one hundred millilitres 98% sulfuric acid. "You still smell of me."

"Malic," I almost smash the breaker of acid putting it down.

"Potassium iodate you said?" He finally goes back on track. I'm left watching my equipment through blurry eyes, I've spent my days and night crying in the clothes the belonged to him, that he let me borrow, I did anything to try ease me yearn for him. He isn't helping.

Hate him, remember to hate him.

"Mixed with 98% sulfuric acid." I add watching his hands scribble it down, I blink my tears out letting them drop then rush to wipe them.

"I feel like your decision was made out of impulse, we should have a proper talk before any decision is made."

"Made my mind up." I start solution B.

"I can't say much right now but-"

"We can always talk about your cheating habits later on." I cut him off, I glimpse up at him to see I've taken him by surprised. "Or would you rather discuss how you fu-"

"Later." He stops me and I catch his eye once again, only then do I realize how quite it is around us, like say we're the only ones in this room. I go back to our lab limiting my response to him.

He goes back to writing and I believe he's finally given up on trying to talk to me but rips paper to slide it over to me. I watch it for a second before opening it up: give me ten minutes in the parking lot at lunch. I shake my head.

He retrieves the scarp of paper to write on it some more. Five? I give him a look and he takes his paper back again to start writing before he slide it back over to me, being on a break form your mate is harder then you think.

I take the paper turning it over, with the same pencil I write in bold letters: fuck off, before sliding it back to him.

"You have got to be kidding me," he sighs before crumpling the paper and goes to dip in the solution A I did.

"Don't do that!" I grab his wrist with his fingers half way in the solution, I don't even know if this stuff burns or not. "Have you lost your mind?!" I grab the side of my open jacket to wipe his hands. I take note of how clam he's gone and glance up, he's wearing a very satisfied smirk.

I look down at me nursing his hand and drop it automatically. "Idiot." I mutter trying to conceal the fact I fell right into his hands. Asshole.

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