Chapter 66

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Seeing he picked me up this morning I just take his keys form him and start to drive us back to his. "What the hell what that?" I was so glued to my place I don't think I got all of that in.

"Are you hurt?"

"What where you thinking?!" I talk over him, "Going against an alpha?! Have you lost your mind."

"It's nothing new, everyone knows I don't particularly like him."

"Not that I don't believe in you or anything, but he's an alpha." Tomas lets out a laugh I glance over to him throwing his head back with it. "I'm glad you find this so amusing." I drive us back to his place.

"I gotta beat the news of a fight nearly breaking out to my father before they do," I swing my gym bag over my shoulder.

"You're not even going to nurse my injuries?"

I turn to him giving me sly grin, I notice he's in his school shirt and trouser but the shirt is untucked, at least of one us had time to dress. "I'm sure you can manage." I tell him. His hand sets on his jaw before he shifts it and I hear it click, did Malic punch him that hard?

"Are you hurt?" I remember his question I was so quick to let side, he shakes his head and moves past me going up the path to his door. "Maybe you should get some ice on that." I follow behind him as he opens his door and walks in. "Did you really have to break out fighting?"

"I've done nothing this entire time," I put my bag down as he walks into the kitchen, "he deserves more then that." I watch him bend going into his freezer before he brings a pack of frozen peas to the right side of his jaw.

"I don't even know when you guys came in and then next thing you know, he's punching you and you're punching him." I shrug standing on the other side of the counter. I was too busy not getting involved so one of those hits down accidentally hit me.

"You're no better," his eyes stay on mine. "Walk in and we had Bella on the floor choking for dear life and Malic trying to tear you away."

"I swear, I'll lose my shit if I have to apologize to her." I shake my head watching him press the packet closer to his face. "You really shouldn't put something so cold directly on your face." I move around to him and grab a paper towel.

"It'll heal anyways." He tells me as I take the packet form his grasp.

"Doesn't mean you shouldn't treat it right," I warp it up before smacking it back on his face.

"Ow!" He chuckles moving with my hit holding the peas up once more.

"You're such a baby." I roll my eyes.

"Is it so wrong of me to like the attention," my eyes find his lips before I drop them. Ever since last night, I can't stop thinking about our kiss, about him.

"I should really be going, I didn't tell anyone I was coming here." He nods his understanding and I turn going back to the front where I put my shoes on, he wonders over to me just to watch me do so. "I'll see you tomorrow anyways."

"Yeah," he picks my bag up for me and I take it as he slips on another pair of slipper then opens the door for us. "I take it you're going to go study?" I nod to his question as we walk down the path. "How about I just drop you off?"

"It's fine, it's not like I have a bond draining me of energy anymore." I tell him, it's true, ever since the rejection I haven't felt the dull ache in my chest that used to have it's own heartbeat. "I can handle a walk Tomas." I turn to him. He steps forth towering over me.

Remember when I said he wasn't my type? Now look at me.

I feel heat rush to my cheeks as he tilts his head a way to give me access to his other side, I lift my eyes form his lips to his eyes to see his face stretch into a grin before he presses his lips onto mine. I can't kiss him right since he got me smiling too.

I tip toe to keep us close feeling his arm warp around me. "You're an idiot." He chuckles as a response and I shut my eyes feeling his lips on mine once again, I tug the sides of his uniform pushing myself a little higher.

My little legs float off the ground and instead of warping my legs around him, I lift a single leg in the air like I'm in the movies. He does have a way of making me feel like that. "Okay put me down," I giggle feeling my feet meet the ground again.

"I haven't had the chance to do that all day,"

"I'm sure you'll have plenty more opportunities," I push him away setting myself free, "but until then." I turn to start waking away, I glance over my shoulder for one last look to see he's already watching me leave.

When I get home, I try to make it past the living room with no trouble but my name is immediately called by my father. "Yeah dad, imma get right with you! I'm just going to take a quick shower, I had gym last period!" With no response I rush upstairs and head straight into the shower.

Even with wet hair, I make my way back down and knock on my father office before walking in. "You called for me?"

"Thursday, your mother's side wants to meet the pack." He doesn't look up form the sheets of paper in front of him.

"Oh.." man, I thought it was about school. "Thursday's full moon, I thought I'd take the pack out for a run like we did last time and maybe stay over at Tomas'?" My father looks up at the mention of Tomas. "If that's okay?"

"I guess a little bonding wouldn't hurt anyone." His eyes still speculate me.

"Friday works for me, I'll even drive us there."

"That'll be all." His eyes drop back to his papers and I take my chance to leave, does this mean I'm in the clear for Tomas' place Thursday? Should I risk it coming home late anyways? I don't even know.

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