Chapter 49

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Both our alarms ring to wake us up yet I'm the only one the actually gets up, I turn to my nightstand to turn my phone alarm off before climbing over to Saints side to do the same for him.

My eyes are still adjusting to the brightness and I'm left blinking to collect myself, besides me Saint groans turning towards me. "Get up," I shove him away before dragging myself out of bed. "Come on, you need to shower." I move into our bathroom.

"Are have shower...?" His voice is just over a mumble making it hard for me to actually hear him.

"What?" I run the shower. "Speak up!"

"Are we going to have shower sex?!"

"Oh." I smile to myself. "We're talked about this Saint, morning sex on school days make us late."

"Then give me five more minutes," I hear him slump back into bed. At his point he is not going to wake up so I have to comply.

"Okay fine."

"Fine what?" I hear the sheet shuffle, instead of answering, I set into the shower. "Nadia? Fine what? What are you agreeing too?" With the grin on my face I let the water consume me drowning out any outside noises, including Saints need for clarification.

We're late to school. It's not surprise for me but I still scold Saint until we get to school, unlike him I have to go to the councillors office for missing last Friday's meeting.

It's nothing major, just the regular check ups to see how I'm settling and whatnot, my morning absence however do come up and I have to make up a ridiculous.

Just as the bell to second period starts I walk out and start making my way to class, my name is called out and I see Tomas making his way to me. "We need to talk,"

"Yeah sure," the urgency in his tone puts me a little off ease. "Let just go back to glass so we can-"

"Not in class, defeats the whole purpose if we do talk there." He starts to lead us out and I follow close behind him.

"Is everything okay?" I try to replay all the possible scenarios that might have triggered him. "Are you okay?" Is this about his mate? Is she back? I don't want to pry to much letting him lead us behind a gym building that looks down the hill.

"You were supposed to go home last night right?" His eyes scan mine.

"Yes, yeah I was."

"But you didn't. Did you? You went back to Malic's place." Time stops for me, I believe my organs have stopped and I can't even bring myself to nod, I just stare. What is he trying to say? Where is is he going with this? "Right?"

"Yeah, I did."

"First period, you guys weren't there," he scans me. "I'm not going to let my imagination run wild to why you're late but, Bella started talking," I turn away. "She starting going on about how she was supposed to meet with Malic.

"How she was supposed to go to him, but something made him cancel. She was really upset about it and rambling to the point she didn't even know she was letting out so much information." I turn back to him.

"I-I don't understand, wha-what? What are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying: if you didn't show up last night, or if you showed up a little later," he stops bringing his hand to the nape of his neck and massages it. "I think you might have witnessed him cheating."

"No." I shake my head. "He wouldn't do that to me." He gives me a doubtfully questionable look. "He wouldn't!"

"Okay!" He raises his hands in the air surrendering, he shrugs talking a few steps back and leaving me to dwell. Malic would cheat...would he? He wouldn't go that low, would he?

The lungs in my chest squeeze tight refusing to let any air in, I lift my hand to my chest just to make sure my heart, at least, was still functioning. I've yet to tel Tomas anything about what's happening between Malic and I yet when my lips part, I can't stop the words.

"She kissed him before." I don't meet his eyes, this is so embarrassing. "I saw it, I just- I didn't do anything because we weren't technically together yet, he just kissed me. She was supposed to go over to his last night?" I turn back to him. He nods. "Then what? What did she say after?"

"She called you every name in the book, then Malic walked in, defended you, shut her up, then complete silence." We blink at each other as seconds pass by. "What are you...going to do?" My silence is enough of an answer for him.

I drag myself down to the ground letting my knees graze on the dry grass. Bella was supposed to go to Saint last night? Was that why he was a little surprised to see me? He was expecting me, his eyes said it all, I just didn't think he was expecting someone else.

Something rings like sirens around me. "We need to get back, to class I mean." I nod but Tomas move anyways to help me up and guides me back to class. I know where are classes are, I've been around long enough, but for once, I need his guidance.

I drag my feet lightly but start to straighten up the closer we get to class, I nods to put on a poker face so Saint doesn't suspect anything, I shouldn't know at the end of the day.

As I step in, my eyes lock to his ice blue once, my heart should flutter, it should skip a beat, but it's barely beating. He gives me a small smile and I return the favour going to my seat, my eyes travel to the blonde two seat away form him.

She has her eyes pinned on me but I quickly move my own back to Tomas. "So, did you enjoy your birthday gifts?" The bottom line of my lashes prickle.

"Yeah, I even wore the ring today." I look down as my eyes grow heavier.

"It suits you."

"Hold on," he leans in. I know he can tell my eyes are watering, what I don't know is what he'll say next. "There's an eyelash poking your eye, it's annoying me and I know damn well you can feel it." He raises a hand to take out and invisible eyelash. "You have to blink it out."

One blink and two trails run down my face, I wipe them as fast at they came. "Thanks."

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