Chapter 5

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My annoying sound of my alarm wakes me up and I rolls out of bed, I'm not no morning person but for school I kinda have no choice. I walk to my bathroom still half asleep and undress my before getting in the shower.

I turn it down to cold knowing damn well if it's on hot I might fall asleep standing up, I quickly wash myself and my hair then step out. I do my face routine, cleanser, oil, moisturizer and sunscreen then put on the lightest make up.

I conceal my under eyes and my eyebrows making them look arched, filling them in is no problem because my eyebrows are naturally dark so I kinda just brush them into shape. Mascara is also not an option as it irritates Nia. Don't ask me, I don't know how it works either.

I put my school uniform on but put the sweater with the school logo so I don't have to wear the tie or the blazer, I brush my hair out letting my waves pass my shoulders.

I make my way downstairs with my bag, shoes and phone, I put my shoes down and put my phone in my bag before dropping it too. I sit down to see bacon, eggs and toast on my plate, I start to eat just as Bailey walks in follows by Tili.

I leave before them and grab my backpack and head over to my dad office "Dad can I have my keys?" I poke my head in and I watch him grab a set of keys from a draw and throws them at me.

"Drive safely!" He says and I head out to the bottom floor where our garage is, I make my way to my baby and pull the covers of my motorbike. She's a beautiful dark black girl and I open my bag getting out my jacket.

I take my sweater off wishing I did it before then stuff it in my bag, I put my jacket on then put my bag on. I get on feeling instantly giddy, oh how I've missed you. I grab my full face helmet and put it on before turning my engine on.

I reverse out before going into a slow start and out the parking lot, as soon as my front wheel hits concrete I zoom off. Nia loves this because it remind her of when she in her turn form, free and aloud to go at any speed.

Feeling the breeze kiss each exposed part of my body is therapeutic, good thing I have shorts under my skirt. I keep my eyes on the road almost wanting to take my eyes off it to observe my surroundings, everything goes by in a blur.

I see my school and pull into its parking lot, I make my past busy chattering kids and park where the rest of the bikes are. I stop coming to a park and then kill my engine before taking my helmet off, I get off with a little jump then fix my skirt before taking my jacket off.

I put my school sweater back on and hold my jacket and helmet in hand then make me way inside. I don't smell the masculine scent when I walk in school meaning he must be still outside, I turn a left going down towards my locker and see a familiar back figure.

He probably senses me coming because he turns to great me with a small smile "Hey you,"

"Hey." I grab my lock and do my code then yank it open.

"You have a bike?" He sounds a little surprised.

"Why does that surprise you?" I look up at him.

"Every girl in this school is classy and elegant, you must be the second girl that rides a bike." He watches me empty my bag and then I stuff my jacket it my empty bag putting the key in my bra. Don't get me wrong it's just a single key.

"So what? I'm not elegant nor classy?" I ask Tomas raising an eyebrow.


"I'll take that as a compliment," I close my locker "at least I'm not stuck up and bitch."

"True." He nods and we start making our way to our class, I'm still in my zone when I walk into class, what knocks me back into reality isn't Tomas' talking but the same scent from yesterday.

Why am I smelling this everyday? Does someone have like a certain cologne on or something? Like seriously what the hell?

I take my seat next to Tomas and I'm not surprised when my eyes land on a familiar blue eyed boy who's talking to someone, I take in his aura notting how he has his arms crossed and his chin up. Confidence radiates off of him.

He glances over at me still talking and then focuses back on one of his betas, I don't know if it's just me or Nia but there's something about him that pulling us towards him. I mean yes his a very attractive guy but that's not it.

"Whatever your thinking about, I wouldn't if I were you." Tomas says and I automatically look away. "You don't know what he's capable of, and I suggest you don't find out."

"Who Saint?" I say and just as I say his first name I feel a gaze on me, Nia dares me to look but I keep my eyes of Tomas as he too looks kinda surprised because of what I said "Isn't that his name?"

"Yeah..I just-"

"Then why you looking at me like say I said a spell form Harry Potter wrong?" I shrug and for once I've managed to keep him quite.

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