Chapter 37

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He steps in and my first reflex is to take a few steps back. "You can leave." He tells the guy that found me and he does with no questions asked, Saint steps forward and I think he's coming to me so I take a few more steps backwards.

Turns out he wasn't coming to me and he just stops in the middle of the room "Why are you mad at me?" He asks and I swallow down hard.

"I'm not mad." I tell him.

"Stop lying to me." His voice of authority comes back.

"Why should I? You're a master of that yourself." I tell him and his eyebrows frown giving me a confused look "I saw you guys. Kissing." I clarify.

"That's not what it looked like."

"It looked like you had your tongue down her throat Malic! What did it look like to you?" I raise my voice a little.

"Is that why you're mad at me? Because she kissed me?" He steps forward.

"I'm mad at you because you lied to me," I scream and push him taking him back two steps "you're a liar!" I go to push him again but he grabs both my wrists and I start fighting him him off "Get off me!" My voice is stern and I'm no longer shouting but even I can hear how hurt I am.

He steps back letting go of my wrists and I watch his eyes move away from mine "I can't do this. I'm upset, have you seen me upset? I haven't seen me upset, I don't want to be upset."

"I'm sorry-"

"No! You don't get to apologize! You told me you wanted me and I believed you! You told me you would drop her and I believed you, but the second I turn my back you have your hands all over her. I was never your first choice." I take in a shaky breath no longer able to hide my hurt.

"You've got it all wrong." He tells me.

"What's it like then? Huh? Cause I don't want this, I don't want to feel like this."

"You don't get to play the victim," he says after a beat of silence "I have done nothing but respect your wishes since the day you step foot in school. I put up with you, I should have put you into submission when I had the chance but I didn't. You ask and I give, and what do you do? You push me away."

I shut up a little taken back from his words "You think you have it hard? I had to give up pack history for you! I went against my own morals for you!"

"I didn't ask for that."

"Yes you did!" He towers over me "You can't stand here and tell me that I don't want you, you're all I've ever wanted." His eyes pin on mine leaving me totally speechless "I've dropped her," I roll my eyes at his comment.

"Stop it." He take my face into his hands, I reach up to his hands and remove them not wanting to ruin my nicely done face "Nadia!" He snaps at me "Stop fighting me, please."

"I'm not, I just don't want you to ruin my makeup." I tell him and he chuckles lightening the mood a little.

"Is that better?" He puts a hand around my throat and pulls me closer, I nod in response. "We're both harsh on each other that's why it's so hard. I don't want you to give up on me, not now." His voice goes into a soft whisper.

"Is this love?" I whisper turning into a mushy puppy.

"It could be." He sighs and I watch his eyes shift to my lips "Why'd you come here?"

"To be honest I didn't even know where I was going, I took a left and saw some stairs." I clear my throat "How'd you know I was here?" I refer to the party.

"Your alpha cologne," he smiles "I can smell you form a mile away." He goes silent and so do I, his eyes fill with an emotion I've yet to see and then his lips part "You make me happy." He says and I match his words with his expression. "Let's get out of here." He moves away form me and grabs my blazer and shoes.

He laces our fingers together and opens the wine cellar door with my things in his other hand, I walks out on the cold marble floor to see his beta still there. He glances over to me then bows his head at his alpha. "Where're we going?" I stay close to Saint.

"Let me show you," he takes me up the stairs I came down from and then to the front door "we're not coming back so I'm guessing you should tell your dad you're with me." He hands me my blazer and heels and I put them on.

I slip into my heals and put my blazer on then make my way back to the living room with Saint lingering behind me, I go into the room full of high ranked alpha's and start to go on my hunt for my father "He's over there." Saint tells me and I move in their direction.

I see my father talking to alpha Vincent and I kinda feel like and outcast interrupting their conversation so I turn to Saint, I nod over to his father and I don't know if he gets the hint but he goes over to his dad and pull him a side.

I take my chance and go after my dad "Dad!" I get his attention and he turns to me.

"There you are." He smiles "I heard you were doing such a good job at hiding."

"Yeah well," I laugh "I'm leaving with Saint." I get right too it "He's my mate by the way," my dads eyebrows rise "I'll explain later." I go to hug him then let go turning back to Saint who's finished with his dad.

Saint sees me coming then does a little smile "Hello alpha Vincent." I acknowledge his father and then Saint take my hand pulling me away.

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