Chapter 1

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"We've already settled it Nadia! Now get in the damn car!" My dad tries with all his might not to shout but I can hear the frustration building in his voice.

"I'm just saying. This is bullshit!" I make my way to the car and notice to late my dad's eyes glowing an angry red "I'm sorry," I mumble getting in the car. The driver door swings open and my dad gets in and starts the engine with no words.

I keep my eyes on my pretty white manicured hands until we get there. I follow my dad passing large gates and then we stop at the reception, my dad steps forward and starts making small talk to the receptionist.

I look to my left down an empty corridor, yellow lockers lead the way plastered on the walls. Poster and flyers are stuck to the walls too, each indicating that's this schools a safe place.

I take in a deep breath and quickly regret my decision as my wolf does it too, what she picks up takes us both back a step. My nose scrunches up at the strong masculine scent. "Hey dad.." I turn to my father.

"Do you smell that?" I take another whiff of the faint smell and watch him do the same.

"No," he shakes his head.

"Okay but like, smell it with your wolf." I kinda sas him and he gives me a weird look before his big blue eyes go black and he takes another whiff.

"Nothing," he tells me.

"You shouldn't worry about that!" A tall, late forty aged man says getting my father and I attention "In a school like this, you'll smell a lot." He jokes but my dad's the only who gets it.

The urge to roll my eyes comes over me but I don't, instead I flash him one of my fake smiles and he nods to me "Welcome Mr. Azzi, we are happy to have you." He takes my fathers hand and shakes it.

"Wish we could of met in different circumstances." Dad shakes his hand, what the hell does that mean?

They take the lead and I just follow behind them, I linger passing by the class rooms and watch the different students in each. Our headmaster opens a class door and calls for someone named Tomas.

A yet again a tall figure towers over me. It's not easy being 5'3 in a werewolf environment, I don't even know why I stopped growing so damn early! Like seriously, I should be at least 5'7, that's the average hight for a She wolf and then there's me.

This tall yet young guy just kinda stands there with his hands in his pockets, confidence beaming off him, well of everyone really. Let's just say he's not ugly but not my type. Greens eyes and angular jaw line, who can't resist? Apparently me.

"This is Tomas Hall, he'll be here to assist you around and hopefully be your friend." Tomas looks at me and I kinda just look back at him "I believe you have first period together so we'll leave you too it."

"Behave!" My dad warns me and I can't help my twitching smirk.

"I'll try," I step into his open arms and he hugs me "bye." I say as they turn and follow Tomas into our class, as soon as I take a step in the same strong smell form the corridor hits me but way way stronger.

"You good?" Tomas drags me back to reality, I nod still a little confused and slip into the empty seat next to him. I take my bag off and open my blazer.

I try taking in everything and everyone around us, there's not much girls here, I'd say there's a total of five including me. We're all wearing identical uniforms, white shirts, thigh high plaid skirts, white socks and red and yellow tie matching our plaid skirts.

"So the famous royal beta finally arrives," Tomas once again takes me out another daze.

"What do you mean by that?" I look up at his forest green eyes.

"You've been the talk of the town for a while now," he picks up his pen "and your little fighting reputation doesn't help." I almost roll me eyes.

"You didn't answer my question."

"There's a unspoken system, the alpha sit at the top with there smug selves, and then there's the pack alpha's, betas, witches, vampires, hybrids and then werecyote." He lists out "Your somewhere between a born alpha and a pack alpha."

"I'm not an alpha." I tell him.

"Not yet." He points out and I feel my wolf go a little crazy and I know for a fact it's not because of what Tomas just said, my wolf that I've named Nia which is the closest thing to Nadia, starts trying to take control.

I feel her physically taking control probably making my eyes go from grey to a white silver in a matter of second "look" I hear say but I just ignore her and take my control back.

"Your eyes are flickering." Tomas states the obvious.

"Yeah," no shit! I want to say "I'm having a...situation." I end up mumbling, shit Nia what the hell!

"Look!" She urges and I give in raising my gaze and my eyes land on one hell of a fine ass dude, his eyes blue eyes are already on me and I kinda just stare in awe of his looks.

I contain myself and look away pressing Nia down in the process, I sit back and watch a silent Tomas absorb me. "What do you mean by not yet?" I try getting back into his alpha conversation and it works.

"You have alpha blood running in you hence to why your a royal beta and just not any regular beta...all you need is a pack."

"I don't need a pack." I scoff but he doesn't find it amusing "Anyways I can't lead a bunch of arrogant werewolves."

"You talk about your own kind like that?"

"Did I lie?" I ask finally getting a small smirk from him.

I'm my own alpha Where stories live. Discover now