Chapter 65

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I've never had to explain the complexity of a kiss before but-oh my-I find myself leaning in for more when he pulls away, shit I can't even open my eyes yet.

There's a moment when time stops and I can't begin to comprehend why fireworks are going off in my stomach, I swallow down hard to ask one more thing of him. "One more time."

His hand runs up the side of my cheek and his word melt on my tongue when he says, "Anything for you." then takes my lips one more. I think my bones are on fire.

My mouth works with his feeling the growth of the kiss turn desperate, I feel a hand on my lower back as he pulls me in and I find myself arching into him. Don't move too fast.

This isn't fast, right? I could be kissing anyone right now, it just happens to me him. It doesn't matter. My head fills up with nothing but clouds as I run a hand into the back of his hair just to pull him in more.

His hand that was on my cheek runs down my body passing my skirt and feeling the skin of my outer thigh, he picks my leg up crossing them as out lips continue to smack together.

Now I understand, I get why he always gets the ladies, with lips that work like this I'm not surprised. He breaks form me going in to kiss the skin of my neck, a fist full of my hair is grabbed angling my head up as his kisses continues down my neck.

My breathing staggers but I aim to compose myself as he works back up my neck and to my ear. "When it comes down to it," the heat of his breath makes my spine shiver, I shut my legs tighter, "I want you to mark me too."

"Okay," I let out and the pressure of his lips back on mine take me back until I'm laidback and he's holding himself up with the balance of a hand as the other is still tangled around me, keeping me close.

My hands wonder down his chest to his low V and he pulls away form me. "I don't think that's such a good idea." His words come out in pants of breath.

"Why not?" I let my eyes flutter open, Tomas watches me before pulling us up.

"You just rejected your mate." I drop my eyes at his reply and tuck loose hair out my way. "The full moon's this Thursday, I'll still be very willing by then." His lips press against my forehead. "Let's get you home before I change my mind."

He peels my legs off leading me back to the front of his house. "Take those," he nods to the slippers next to my heels, "you can always return them when you have time."

"Thanks." I slip easily into them and then he holds my heels out before we're off with him driving me home.


Sunday passes us with the pack going for a tennis match that my parents just about let my sisters go, I promised that I would punish them as their alpha but, am I really that pressed to begin with? I think my parents are doing an excellent job, no need to step in.

It's easy enough to avoid Malic during the first two periods seeing he doesn't even come in, hey, who am I to complain. Last period we have gym and just as we finish I enter the locker room to change.

Miss blondie and her minions are already there and I just pass them minding my business, she better not start anything. "Nadia," my name is called, I spoke too soon. I turn to her. "I'm glad whatever thing you and Malic had is finally over, it's not like you had him to begin with anyways."

"By all means, he's all yours." I don't even give her the satisfaction of thinking she's doing anything by telling me that.

"I can't believe you actually thought he loved you? You?" She lets out a despicable laugh. "You fell apart over a man you couldn't even keep-"

"Bella is it?" I cut her off. "I'd love to have a heart to heart conversation with you on this but, I honestly don't care. You're wasting your time."

"You think that's cool, acting like your the bigger person here? God I feel sorry for you."

"Okay." I walk into my cubical and grab my bag ready to leave. I don't have the energy for this.

"You can even keep your pack in line, that bitch of your sister keyed my car," I look back at her. "bet you can't do anything right."

"Excuse me." Did she just mention my sisters?

"You put on a whole front about being a independent alpha but you're nothing without a man between yours legs."

"What did you just say about my sister?"

"Tsk, I guess the apple doesn't fall far form the tree," she laughs. "She keyed whore on my car but I'm not the one fucking a human-" I pace to her griping firmly on her throat before I shove her back into the stone wall.

She squirms and the shuffle of feet sound around me. For a second I didn't see anything, nothing but red and now here I am. "That's no way to talk to me- matter of fact, that's no way to talk to an alpha." I add pressure watching her turn red for air. "Second of all," I throw her into the line on cubicles, "fuck you!"

She gasps coughing for air, I watch two of her friends rush to her and I take forwards just it be dragged away. "What the hell are you going?!" The voice roars and I look up to Malic towering over me, his force picks me off the ground dragging me away.

"Get off of me!" I start to fight him off me.

"I think she can defend for herself," the figure of Tomas steps in and I shove Malic's hands off me. When did he even get here?! I thought he was absent? He wasn't even here for the whole day!

"I know that Tomas." Malic steps forward bringing his shoulders up.

"Then there's no need to grab her like that, is there?" Tomas mirrors him. Are they about to square up right now? Their eyes challenge each other for a while too long.

"Do we have a problem?" Shit!

"Yeah, I'm fucking tired of your bullshit." Oh my days!

"Fuck you just say to me?!" Malic shoves Tomas taking him a few steps back. My eyes nearly pop out my sockets. My lips part to scream for them to stop but nothing comes out. I miss Malic balling his hands into a fist and before you know it Tomas is taking hit to the jaw.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!" I watch Ly step forward rushing his words out. Tomas took a wild hit but he recovers and swings for Malic, twice, landing both hits. "Alpha!" Ly finally steps in and so do I.

"Tomas!" I try shoving him back only managing to take him two steps backward. "Calm down! Let's go!" I grab his side, I watch how his eyes are glowing a bright orange and I keep trying to shove him. "Come on! Tomas!" His feet finally move making it a whole lot easier for me.

I turn to see Malic too has his eyes glowing but I'm red and it's taking both Ly and Jacob to hold him back. I grab my bag follow Tomas out.

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