Chapter 12

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"Do you remember your mother Nadia?" Vincent asks and I shake my head, my father looks down at me with soft eyes "You look just like her."

So your telling me my mother had dark wavy hair that stopped at her waist? Medium sized lips with the bottom lip being slightly bigger? A button nose and grey eyes? I get my angular face from my father, got his eye shapes too and light freckles thanks to him.

I don't know where my hight came form! Like seriously what the hell?!!

"I've seen pictures." I speak up and he nods.

"How are you finding the school?" He questions putting me back on the spot.

"It's-" I just about stop myself form um-ing "It's different."

"Why do you mean by that?"

"Well I've never been to a supernatural school, so it's all pretty new to me."

"You've met my son before?" My eyes shift to Saint at the end of his sentence.

"Yes sir," I try ignoring the continuous need to look back at Saint.

"What do you think of him?" Great, back on the spot.

"Well," I can't help but glance back at Saint's blue eyes that haven't left me "I can't really base my opinion on him since I don't really know him like that." I look back at alpha Vincent "But I know he manages his pack well."

He nods. I look back over at Saint who's eyeing me down, did I say something wrong? I fight the urge to roll my eyes at him, I technically just complimented you idiot.

"Ken! Still trying to blend in with the humans I see!" The attention goes to my father and I sigh lightly very much relived.

"Hey! You gotta do what you gotta do!" Dad reply's and they set off laughing. Saint mom starts serving us food and I'm stuck debating whether or no I should help her out, I end missing the open window and we start digging in.

"The company is going good just like you imagined, it's a pity your so full on you humanly based life." Saint's father cuts open his potato and I look down at my plate.

I asked for a little bit of everything and that's exactly what I got, there's white rice, a small potato, some sweet corn and baby carrots, and a red soup with beef in it. I look over at my father to see if he's eating and when puts some rice in his mouth I dig in.

"I've got to feed my family some how!" Dad tells alpha Vincent.

"Take an internship!" Alpha Vincent offers and my dad shakes his head swallow his food "Oh come on! I'm paying you to be there."

"You've done enough for me." Dad picks up his cup and sips it, I keep eating as their conversation continues. After their chatter the subject about Saint's pack comes back up.

"Yes sir," his deep husky voice answers my fathers question "I have two betas and a gamma, and a bitch for each of them." My eyes widen and I look up at my father. So we're just gonna skip the fact that he called those girl bitches?

"You don't have one." Dad pries and I look over at Saint.

"I do." He says and the words are feel like cold water splashed over my head, I mean what did I expect, there's four girls and four guys. And why the hell do I care anyways?

"What about your mate?" I grimace at my dad's question.

"I'll drop her for my Luna." My eyes roll unintentionally at his comment, I'll drop her for my Luna what bullshit. Why would you even have a bitch if you're just gonna "drop her" ugh asshole.

"And your pack?" Dad puts another spoon of rice in his mouth.

"I'm trying to teach them to not be so territorial, you never know who you might bump into." His eyes lock mine and I swallow my chewed carrots in my mouth, is he referring to the night his pack cornered Bailey and I?

"That's good, you don't want them ripping your Luna apart by accident." Dad adds then turns back to Saint father "So I'm hoping Lia has a boy, even though I love raising my girls, I think it would be nice."

"Having a son can be tricky." Vincent says getting my attention.

"How?" I speak out of turn but he just give me a small smile.

"Well, when your raising a mini you it could be hard. Especially when you were a difficult child." He turns to his son and I find myself doing the same. Saint's eyes are on his rice and the he takes a spoon full. "How's raising her?"

"She very ambitious and gets her mouth form her mother." Dad answers.

"I see that." Alpha Vincent looks back to me with a knowing look. For the rest of their conversation I stay quite occasionally stealing glances at Saint, I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off him and sometimes I look without even knowing it and other times his mother catches me and gives me a small smile.

Nia however loves the sight of him, especially his pink lips. My favourite feature has to be his baby blue eyes, gotta love them ocean eyes. Wait a damn minute! What the hell am I saying? Get a grip Nadia.

When dinner is finally over I help bring the dishes and offer to wash them, Mrs Salvadore tries fight me on my suggestion but I insist and she finally gives in. I mean, it's not a lot and I could easily finish them in less then thirty minutes. Saint's mom keeps me company until I finish the dishes.

Our conversation stays on the bass of school and I'm kinda grateful she didn't try pry into my privet life, like say I have anything interesting going on anyways. "They should be in the living room," she leads the way and I follow on behind her.

My heels clack every step I take as we pass the oversized kitchen and into another room where my dad, alpha Vincent and Malic are.

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