Chapter 31

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Night finally falls while we all play a rough game of tag neither of us able to control our glowing eyes "You're it!" Tili starts running away form Tomas, Tomas turn in my direction and I start off running.

I go into the kitchen zoom off into our game room, I can hear Tomas behind me so I go to the pool table putting space between us. He leaps over the table taking me by surprise and I try running for safety but he grabs me "You're it!" He smiles and I push him away.

I go back into the living room finding Bailey and Tili, I smile at them and they both scatter, I take my pick following after Bailey. "Nadia!" I hear my dad call my name and I stop in my tracks "Yes dad!" I go in the direction.

"Get ready we're leaving." My father tells me from the top of the stairs.

"Okay," I nod "come on guys we need to stop." I tell them and they all come back into the living room. "Do you have a change of clothes?" I ask Tomas who's still in his uniform and he nods, I go upstairs and grab my bag of clothes.

I don't even know how tonight is going to go so I've already changed into sports shorts and a graphic shirt, I head out meeting Tomas back downstairs. We wait a while and then Bailey and Tili finally show back up.

Nia bounces up and down not able to contain herself due to the full moon which makes me start to fidget so I don't shift out of nowhere. I spot my father at the top of the stairs and then see my mom, still in wolf form, close behind him.

He pace is slow and steady as they come down the stairs together, "We'll race you," I whisper to Bailey and Tili "Dad where we meeting?"

"Entrance of the woods." He tells me.

"Great, Bailey and I will take the stairs," Tomas looks over at me and smile to him "try keep up." I tell him and the second our elevator door dings open I set off racing down our emergency exist with Bailey close behind me.

I decide to just fuck the stairs and I start leaping over them missing five at a time, I turn to Bailey and smile at her "Keep up!" I laugh and watch her start to jump over stairs instead of taking them one at a time. I keep going staying a head until I see the ground floor door "Here! Here!" I open the door dashing out.

"There they are!" Bailey point out and we take the closest exist leaving, we both start running towards them, I see Tomas turn seeing me and then he says something to Tili before they both set off running.

I start to catch up with them feeling the wind brush my hair and my backpack bounce on my bag as I keep running. "Don't shift Nadia!" I hear my dad say as I pass him and my mom.

"Got it!" I reach out to Tomas as I'm literally on his ass at this point, I push my legs a little further then leap for him taking us both down. We both roll away from each other but I get back on my feet and race towards the entrance and turn to see Bailey not far behind.

The woods become more and more clear as the trees tower over me the closer I get, I start to slow down a little knowing I'm close enough to have won and then Tomas just zooms past me. "Hey!" I shout running after him but he reaches the entrance before me.

"I won this time!" The turns with a grin on his face and I shake my head with a smile on mine.

"Who won! Who won!" Tili comes to us all energized with glowing gold eyes.

"We did!" Tomas raises a hand for her to high five and she does, Bailey comes around with our parents and then we all surrounded my mom simultaneously. She practically defenceless alone when she's pregnant so it became a reflex for us.

Tomas and linger at the back with dad and Tili beside her and Bailey at the front, with mom in the middle obviously. The smell of fire ligers in the air and I look over at Tomas thinking of the shirt I burnt followed us here but we quickly spot a fire.

"Alpha Kendrick." A witch I recognized announces my fathers arrival, she's got beautiful golden dark skin with curly hair stopping at her shoulders.

"Zelda." My father nods to her.

"Children." She waves us over and I turn to my father waiting for him to give me a signal before I can go, he gives me a little nod and I step forward followed by Tomas and my sisters "Who's the alpha?"

"I am." I say and the turns to me, her face lights up a little just looking at me.

"Nadiana Azzi," she smiles "you are a photocopy of your mother."

"Thank you." I give her a small smile before glancing over to my father.

"Tomas Hall," She gets my attention again "may your deceased alpha Rest In Peace."

"Thank you." Tomas bows his head then looks over at me.

"Bailey and Tili Azzi." She smiles at my sisters "Step forward." She reaches her hand out to me and I go towards her, she waves my father over too and I watch him make his way over to us "Alpha Kendrick," she holds out her hands and my father puts his hands in hers, she starts chanting some words that brings out the alpha in my father.

His eyes glow the brightest red yet and then Zelda lets go of my dad but he's still stuck in some sort of trance, she takes out a blade cutting both his plans open and I watch the blood pour out of them "Take his hands." She tell me and I watch her a little puzzled but I put my hands in his.

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