Chapter 46

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So I've taken all the constructive criticisms into deep consideration and here I am making amends. Hope you enjoy! Keep the advice coming.

Two weeks later.

I enter the mansion knowing that Saint is probably in the home gym working out. Recently we've been spending most of our time in this mansion and I don't mind it. Turns out I was right, I move to our room and step inside the bathroom.

I run myself a shower before stepping in. Soon exams are going to start, it's not like I started at the start of the year anyways, and now I have to endure the same exams as the people in my year.

Once I'm done, I move to our room and enter the walk in closet, I've already picked out, a dark blue silk dress. When Saint walks in, I catch him watching me curl the ends of my hair before he moves towards me.

"Getting ready for Tomas' birthday brunch?" I nod as a response.

"Ew no!" I stop him from getting any closer. "You're like sweaty and all."

"Why you getting all dolled up for a brunch? That I'm not even invited to?" He takes it upon himself to lean against me.

"Because," I push him off yet again, "afterwards is a family dinner. I told you to make amends with Tomas, have you done that yet?" I look at him through the mirror, his silence is enough of an answer for me. "There you go, reason A to why you're not invited."

"Can I at least get a kiss?"

"Go shower first," I shoo him off. "I'll be here when you're done." He starts to move away form me, taking his sweet time before finally turning and going to shower. I'm the time he takes to shower, I do my make up and start to get ready.

Saint wonders back in, fresh this time, with a towel at his waist and another in his hands drying his hair. "So I'll just meet you at school tomorrow, I'm probably gonna just stay at home or at Tomas' for the night." He stops in front of me. "What do you think?."

Leaning in, he takes my hand and twirls me, my cheeks spread form ear to ear. "What you warring under that?"

"That is no question you ask a lady,"

"Okay," a smirk plays on his lips, "how about I help you take this off," his hands move to the end of my dress mid thigh, "so I can see for myself?" He puts our lips together smudging my fresh coat of lip gloss, he moves a hand travelling up my thigh.

"I'm going to be late," I moan in between kisses.

"I'll make it fast." His lips press harder onto mine.


"Alright," he chuckles letting me go. I can feel the string pulling me back to him but I need to go. "Alright." His eyes burn through me as I watch him raise his thumb to his bottom lips as he drags the lipgloss off.

I move past him before I can go against myself and grab my all ready purse before heading back down. I take my keys and leave moving to my parked car, before driving off, I fix whatever mess Saint made then go.

"Hey birthday boy," Tomas enters my car already shaking his head, he's in a white business shirt with trousers a shade darker then the blue my dress is.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this, and don't call me that." I watch how his hair bounce as he gets comfortable.

"Damn," I scan him. "Girls better watch out for this eighteen year old."

"Stop it!" He avoids eye contact with me as I start moving. "So the plan for after," I nod. "Dinner at my place where you can meet my aunt and then it's whatever."

"Okay, yeah, that sounds decent." I take a right on my way back home to pick up my sisters, before dinner we have a plan to have brunch as a pack then we go mini golfing. "So now that you're eighteen, it should be easier for you to find your mate right?" I glance over at him.

"Actually, I've already found my mate."


"Yeah but, she rejected me a while back."


"She didn't want to be mated with a lone wolf," he nods. "I did get a chance to you know," we share a glance, "mate with her. Mmhm. No matter how good the sex was, she was never really into me. In the end I still didn't have a pack and she just...left."

"And after rejection, she's just free to go?" I question keeping my eyes on the road.

"God no," he laughs. "With no real reason to reject me the void in me grew more profound then ever, I feel it till this day. Heavy shit to carry."

"She must feel it too right? The void?"

"I don't know, I've never know how she really felt about me. Now that I'm eighteen," he sighs, "I hope she comes back," he scoffs, "or at least comes to her senses." He shakes his head out. "Not like you though,"

I eye him, coming to a park. "It's not like I'm mated to your sworn nemesis."

"I've been trying to talk to him about that."

"No need," his green eyes stick to mine, "arrogant wolves we are, remember?" I part my lips to protest but my eyes linger on two figures coming our way.

"Dad wants to wish Tomas a happy birthday," Tili knocks through his window, I have no choice but to unlock the car and we follow my sisters back up. "Dad Tomas' here! Come!" Tomas shoots me a look before letting Tili drag him away.

"Ma'?" I move up the stairs and knock softly on her door. I don't get an answer and take it upon myself to wonder in, the room is surprisingly clean to what it was like when Tili was born, stepping in I see tiny legs squirming around.

Nathaniel whines before erupting into a fit crying.

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