Chapter 26

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I never thought I'd see a day where I'd complain about the weather but here I am being risen form my coma of sleep by the heat wave, I throw my sheets off trying to see if it'll help but it doesn't.

I hear my door open making my eyes turn in that direction, I watch a tall figure step in completely top less and my eyes meet his abs before his actual face. "You're up." He puts a white box down.

I sit up running my hands through my hair, I look over at my right side of the which is usually still neat but looks like it's been slept in. "Did you sleep here?" My whole body jumps a little as he slumps on my bed.

"Yeah," he looks up at me, I kinda thought he would leave when I fell asleep, apparently not. "you're quite the cuddler."

"Shut up," I roll my eyes getting out of bed and grab my duffel bag, I lay out a cute outfit for me to wear before going to shower and get ready.

I decide to go with a bare face as I fear it might melt with this heat today, I leave the bathroom with blue shorts and a cute beige crop top. I've also thrown my hair into a high ponytail so it doesn't heat up at the back of my head. "Are we not going to talk about last night?"

"No need," I move towards him and sit close to his head, I find myself comfortable enough to run my hands through his hair. Nothing happened last night, we didn't even make out. I might have let my guard down a little but that doesn't mean I'm just gonna throw myself at him.

After we left the ocean he gave me his button down shirt and then we walked and talked for a while before we came back to my suite, I let him in and we continued to talk before getting comfortable next to each other.

I however couldn't help Nia's intentions and let her take control, thinking about it, I've been giving her control too much I should reconsider that. But she didn't do anything bad, if anything she accepted my wishes of not kissing Saint on the lips.

She just did the same thing he did in the ocean, I put my hand around his throat and started leaving traces of my kisses all over his face, neck and collarbone. He didn't seem to mind either as he seem relaxed and okay with it.

"So what now?" He asks me as I run my hands through his hair.

"You tell me," I pull away form him and move to the box he brought in with him, I open it to see some pancakes with fruits around it. I take the small plastic fork and slowly starts to eat.

I lean on the counter and watch him go on his phone, his eyes always trace back to mine making my heart flutter a little.

I know myself and wanting Saint would be on the bottom of my list, I could have never imagined myself cuddling up with him or letting him kiss my face. Like I don't want to blame it on Nia but this is kinda her fault.

First day of school, who did she want me to look at?

I'm letting the idea of the mate bond get way over my head, I shouldn't be running around Fiji with him but that's what I do. I spend the next two days having fun, with him. Never thought I'd say that.

The one thing I've learnt about Saint throughout these weekdays is that he really isn't what he seems, I mean you see he comes in a package warped up and has a big flashing sign that say 'warning!' on it but that's not what I see now.

I just see a eighteen year old trying to live his life, he's passionate about sports just like any other boy. He wants the best for his pack just like any other guy, and he cares for his mama like the mama boy he is. See? A big softy.

We've spent the weekdays away form the rest of the group and in the centre of Fiji, he took me to see a beautiful water fall and even took me dancing! Yes dancing! I didn't even see that coming. He's pretty good at it, who would of thought.

Trust me I've tired, I didn't want to fall for him but I also can't help myself. I want to blame it on the bond or Nia but it's all me, I'm setting myself up for a heartbreak but he's my mate. Oh shit, that's the first.

Even right now it's our last night here because we leave late in the afternoon tomorrow, to be honest I don't want to leave because I don't know how it's going to be when we go back home.

Saint takes my hand leading me back into the direction of the hotel "You know," I break our comfortable silence "I never would of expected all this from you."

"Oh really?" He looks down at me "What did you expect?"

"Not this," I let out a soft laugh, even though we've only had a few deep conversations I feel like I know him inside out, and I haven't even kissed him yet!

And he still manages to make my stomach flip with just one look. I take out my keycard and open my suite to him and we walk in, I take my sandals and cardigan off leaving me in a bikini top and shorts.

I take a seat crossing my legs and watch Saint approach me "Do you want to play truth or strip?"

"I have a feeling you make these games up." I tell him and he chuckles sitting down with only two feet between us.

"Why did you deny it at first?" He asks "Why'd you deny the bond?"

My names Bond, James Bond.

"I don't know," I smile at my thought then drop my eyes to my lap.

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