Chapter 50

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At the end of the day I wait for Saint at the councillors office as he went later on in the day. I watch the closed door as people start to pour out.

Finally he sets out and spots me through the crowd, within a few seconds he's towering over me then leans in to peck my lips lightly, I let the softness press down on me but don't react.

"I didn't take to long did I?" He takes my hand and starts to pull me forth towards the main entrance. He looks back at my silence. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I avoid his eyes looking out at everyone making their way home. "Why wouldn't I be?" He gives me a sceptical look before turning into the parking lot.

"Do we need anything before we go home?" He opens my car door for me and I shake my head getting in.

I don't know what to expect, if he did want Bella over yesterday night he isn't giving me much to work with, all I have is Tomas' word. It's enough to make me speculate though.

I don't bring it up, watching the days pass by me, and also watching Saint. He's as normal as he can be, I don't catch him staring or lingering stares at Bella, I don't catch him in the shadows with her, no secret rendezvous, nothing.

Maybe I was overreacting, everything was sprung on me and I thought the worst, nothing has changed, nothing had to change, but the nagging in the back of my head tell me otherwise. I should know better, I know better.

For a clear mind, I go back to my parents house for a weekend and help around as a distraction, I'm too busy to even think about Saint which is good, I need that.

I don't mind the changing diapers, or Nathan's nonstop crying, not for the short time.

"Nadia!" My dad calls making me look away form a sleeping Nathan I just rocked to sleep, I start to move to his crib before settling him down, carful not to wake up, then I make my way to my father.

"Yes?" I open his office door a little then walk him. "You called?"

"Yes, come in." He beckons me closer and I move deeper into the room. "Read this, tell me what you think." He hands me two sheets of paper and I look down at the painted ink.

"Transfer papers?" I read in the identical box both sheets share. "Wait," I read some more, "it says that Tili will transfer form her current school to S.S.S, and Bailey," I swap the sheet putting her forth. "She'll do the same?"

"That's right." My dad nods.

"Wait what?! Really?" I scan both sheets before looking back up. "Alpha Vincent? He agreed? He's okay with this?"

"Of course he is, you'll be his daughter in law." My lips seal together as my heart drops, something in my breath changes and I'm taking more are then I'm letting out.

"Right.." I hand him the sheets back with a frail smile. "Thank you dad, for talking to him I mean." He nods some more as if it's not problem and I keep watching him as he goes back to looking at more papers.

I lean on the heels of my feet before tipping forward, my tongue has the strongest urge to question my dad and he too seems to sense it looking back up at me. "Something else?"

"Yes actually," I fold my hands behind my back. "Can you tell me more about you and mom's relationship? Like my mom." His eyebrows raise at my clarification then he drops the sheets he had in hand.

"Of course," he sits up, "our relationship?" I nod. "Well, I met her when she was eighteen, I was twenty two I believe. Approaching her was hard enough as she had three big brothers." Yes, the family on my mom side that I used to visit every Christmas.

"She was well prepared for all this, mates I mean, she even told me off for taking to long apparently." He chuckles to himself. "It was always easy with her, we spent a great four years together."

I nod to communicate my understanding. "Did you ever hurt her?" My questions softens his eyes.

"Yes. We both hurt each other but, I believe I did most of the damage, as well as most of the fixing."

"Did she tell you? Whether you hurt her intentionally or unintentionally. Did she tell you?"

"No. Eventually she just, exploded." Will I explode? If I don't tell Saint about my absurd speculations, will I just rot in the hole I dug for myself. "My words hurt her, a lot, I also said something stupid and never realized until it was too late.

"I never laid a hand on her, never cheated either." I look up at the word cheat. We share a few blinks then I part my lips to say something, anything, but nothing comes out. "Any man who cheats it's no emotionally, especially not a wolf with a mate."

"I agree with you." I nod, cutting my eyes off him and sticking it else where. "Did moms parents like you?" I try redirect the conversation back to her.

"Yes," he laughs to himself and I join with a soft chuckle. "Well I hope so. Her mother definitely adored me, I believe her father was very protective of her." My mother's parents died a few years after I was born, like her, I don't remember much of them.

"Do you believe, that you were a good husband?"

I watch his eyes scan me and he swallows before answering. " I believe, after I got my act together, I gave her more then just good. I gave her all of me, and more."

Well that makes one of us. She got al of my father and I'm suck sharing Saint. I snort to myself shaking my head out. "Thanks." I give him a smile. "Sunday, I'm leaving earlier so I can make it back to Saint, since we don't have school Monday, I want to make the most out of it."

"Alight." Sometimes, I believe my father knows more then he's letting on. I take my leave anyways, going back to check up of Nathan.

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